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By hornplayer264
Posts:  4
Joined:  Sun May 07, 2023 11:10 pm
I'm afraid my whole collection has taken a turn for the south towards the end of the growing season this year. Traps began to die prematurely, and several blackened before they ever developed. Initially I thought this was due to crown rot, and treated with both azoxystrobin and ortho garden disease control in alternating doses. The azoxystrobin seemed to spur some healthy growth, but would eventually return to the same problem. I eventually repotted, removed any dead or decaying growth, treated with ortho again and repotted in peat/perlite/sand mix with a top dressing of sand to help avoid sogginess around the rhizome. However, they don't seem to have recovered, and several immature traps are beginning to blacken again, with some brown spots appearing on several plants. If anyone knows what could be causing this, please help! I've had these plants for 5+ years on average and would hate to lose them.
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By Greenleaf_999
Posts:  136
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Looks somewhat similar to what happened to my entire VFT collection worth more than 450$. I couldn’t treat the collection with bioadvanced 3in1. the infestation was far too much to even try a systemic treatment. It wasn’t worth it at that point. The plants were far too gone, And so was my hope. They were almost down to nothing 2 days later after treating them. Neem oil doesn’t do anything IMO, neem oil stinks so bad too.
Treat it with a strong systemic treatment if you can. I’m not sure of any brands, because again, I didn’t bother even looking, it was too late.

You have a chance. Don’t give up like I did. you’ll feel horrible if they spread.

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By hornplayer264
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Joined:  Sun May 07, 2023 11:10 pm
Was your problem also mites? I did order some Avid miticide and gave them a spray down with it today, but wanted to double check. Despite using a loupe/magnifying glass I was never able to identify any active mites, though something certainly appears to be wrong regardless. Was hoping someone else could either confirm or tell me what it is if not mites.
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By andynorth
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Greenleaf_999 wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:48 pm Looks somewhat similar to what happened to my entire VFT collection worth more than 450$. I couldn’t treat the collection with bioadvanced 3in1. the infestation was far too much to even try a systemic treatment. It wasn’t worth it at that point. The plants were far too gone, And so was my hope. They were almost down to nothing 2 days later after treating them. Neem oil doesn’t do anything IMO, neem oil stinks so bad too.
Treat it with a strong systemic treatment if you can. I’m not sure of any brands, because again, I didn’t bother even looking, it was too late.

You have a chance. Don’t give up like I did. Image you’ll feel horrible if they spread.

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Were yours indoors or outdoors when they got hit? I ask because one of the reasons I am hesitant about putting all my plants outside is I have a lot of $$$ and time invested in my plants and I would hate for them to be wiped out by bugs they can not ingest.
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By Greenleaf_999
Posts:  136
Joined:  Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:13 am
andynorth wrote:
Greenleaf_999 wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:48 pm Looks somewhat similar to what happened to my entire VFT collection worth more than 450$. I couldn’t treat the collection with bioadvanced 3in1. the infestation was far too much to even try a systemic treatment. It wasn’t worth it at that point. The plants were far too gone, And so was my hope. They were almost down to nothing 2 days later after treating them. Neem oil doesn’t do anything IMO, neem oil stinks so bad too.
Treat it with a strong systemic treatment if you can. I’m not sure of any brands, because again, I didn’t bother even looking, it was too late.

You have a chance. Don’t give up like I did. Image you’ll feel horrible if they spread.

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Were yours indoors or outdoors when they got hit? I ask because one of the reasons I am hesitant about putting all my plants outside is I have a lot of $$$ and time invested in my plants and I would hate for them to be wiped out by bugs they can not ingest.
Outdoors, sorry for the late response. They were in a very bright area and where I live it’s super humid and tons of flies and mosquitoes attacked the plants and the plants benefited from all the insects until late summer rolls around and they got all wilty, started losing traps. And the new traps were extremely deformed when they came out, then, they started turning black upon every attempt it would try to take In sending up more growth. And i found this webbing all over the middle of the rhizomes of all of them, they were in the same medium and same pots as before, I was using the same water as always. They just wilted away eventually into black mush.

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By Greenleaf_999
Posts:  136
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andynorth wrote:Wow. Sorry to hear that. Darn bugs. Too bad there's not a CP that would attack plant eating bugs!
Honestly, I wish there was… if there was a pest insectivorous plant just for pests… it would be awesome.

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