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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By Intheswamp
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I will say that my moss looked better last winter and spring. This hot summer has been tough on it, but it still managed to hang in there. So far I've grown it simply by putting the live moss in a container and keeping water in the bottom. For my deeper moss I usually shoot for 1"-2"...naturally in the shallower moss I simply keep it where I can see a little water in the bottom of the container. Wet, warm, and sunny sounds good.

I wonder whether the type of water used affects the moss. Distilled water should have a neutral pH whereas rainwater will be acidic. Seems the rainwater would be more suited for the moss. But...maybe not?
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By Nikson
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Oh yeah quick question, how DO I transfer the live moss from my current pot to another one? Is it ok to just....yank it out gently? Like there's no rootlike structures or anything I'd break right, like, as long as the moss isn't squashed or anything I can just remove the "carpet" of moss on top of my sundews and just move it to a new pot?
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By Nikson
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I moved my moss to a larger tray with no drainage, just put a layer of dried LFSM on the bottom and then placed the live moss I had on top of it, then watered it with RO water.

I'm not sure if this is the right way to go about it, or if it'd be better to get a tray with drainage holes and bottom water with a tray that way? Should I have a deeper layer of LFSM underneath? What have you guys experienced when growing moss?

I accidentally had it dry out once and some of the moss turned white, like dried LFSM you get from the store, so it doesn't look as good as it used to.


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By andynorth
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Nikson wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:45 pm Should I have a deeper layer of LFSM underneath? What have you guys experienced when growing moss?
I accidentally had it dry out once and some of the moss turned white, like dried LFSM you get from the store, so it doesn't look as good as it used to.

So I was of the understanding that you need a layer of peat, then dry LFSM and then live moss clippings. I do it this way and it works great. Now, I find this to be a little odd but will explain. The first time I started to grow moss I did not have any of the type of food traylike was in the youtube video I was following. The only thing I had was my 12 pod plastic seedling trays with the clear plastic top and the little dial thing with holes on top. I figured what the hell, it can't hurt and would not be a huge loss init does not work.
Well, the pic is of what I ended up with. I think this is roughly 3 months old. What makes it so odd is thatdoing it the same way ising a food service tray, roughly 5"x10" after 1.5 months an it is barely growing. Not sure why it did so much better in one container than the other but I just set up another seed pod and will be doing several more as I am going to need a bunch of live moss for all the plants I have purchased.
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By steve booth
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Nikson wrote:I moved my moss to a larger tray with no drainage, just put a layer of dried LFSM on the bottom and then placed the live moss I had on top of it, then watered it with RO water.

I'm not sure if this is the right way to go about it, or if it'd be better to get a tray with drainage holes and bottom water with a tray that way? Should I have a deeper layer of LFSM underneath? What have you guys experienced when growing moss?

I accidentally had it dry out once and some of the moss turned white, like dried LFSM you get from the store, so it doesn't look as good as it used to.


Sphagnum has no roots or similar structures, so absorbs all its needs through the greenery. You do not need anything under it as a substrate because of this fact, but, as you have, a lot of people put moss or peat under it. If you put nothing under it, it will make its own substrate as it grows, i.e. dead moss, which on a bigger scale would eventually turn to peat. So in answer to your question yes you are doing it right, although there are many right ways of doing it.
I just throw mine into a tray of rainwater, keep it very wet , and let it get on with it.
If it dries out completely, it will die, but there are normally sufficient spores to get going again once wetted.
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By Anzenix
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I've always had trouble with keep moss alive.. they just don't seem to like it where I am! Then again.. I might have forgotten to give them water once or twice... that or gnats got into it and it was a mess keeping them in check without them running loose inside my house :(
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By Anzenix
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Intheswamp wrote:Grow some filiformis in the moss while it’s growing…they’ll gladly take care of the gnats for you!
NGL, I didn't even consider that...
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By Intheswamp
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Btw, fififormis *loves* to have its leaf cuttings stuck down into live sphagnum moss. I broke a leaf on a Florida Giant x Tracyi this past summer so I cut it in 1 to 1-1/2" pieces and stuck them end-first down into the sphagnum. :) Here is a shot of them later on. I'm kind of running an experiment on them...they're still in the sphagnum moss on the deck and will be stay there. I'm hoping this spring to see them rise from the shallow container of moss. We'll see. ;)
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ETA: We've already had a couple of sub-freezing nights and the sundews are down and out for the winter.
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By Nikson
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Intheswamp wrote:Btw, fififormis *loves* to have its leaf cuttings stuck down into live sphagnum moss. I broke a leaf on a Florida Giant x Tracyi this past summer so I cut it in 1 to 1-1/2" pieces and stuck them end-first down into the sphagnum. :) Here is a shot of them later on. I'm kind of running an experiment on them...they're still in the sphagnum moss on the deck and will be stay there. I'm hoping this spring to see them rise from the shallow container of moss. We'll see. ;)
IMG_0282 (Custom).JPG
ETA: We've already had a couple of sub-freezing nights and the sundews are down and out for the winter.
You know what's funny, I'm trying to grow filliformis RIGHT NOW with water propagation, and was just wondering what to do with it haha.
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