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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Barlapipas 6
Posts:  476
Joined:  Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:26 pm
I was concerned about the previous year being too warm. Only if I knew how much hotter this year would be. The summer was literally hell. In some parts of Greece (where I live) the temperature went to 46°C! That’s right, not °F but °C! The rest of the summer was around 38°C. Know in the middle of October the temperature on average is at 27°C and shops have brought winter clothes as if there is cold. My plants haven’t shown any signs of dormancy at all. Should I be worried? Will they eventually go dormant or should I do something else?
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By ChefDean
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They'll go dormant when they get the proper environmental cues. If it's still warm enough to grow, they'll continue to do so and photosynthesize as much food as possible to store until spring to break dormancy.
By Barlapipas 6
Posts:  476
Joined:  Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:26 pm
Update: The temperatures don’t seem to drop at all. The high temperatures are around 26°C up to the fifth day of November. Usually the high temperatures at the beginning of november were around 17°C. The Sarrs don’t seem to slow down at all, but the VFTs are kind of starting to do so. Should I be a little concerned or no?
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By Intheswamp
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Unless you can do something about the environment that the plants are in, don't worry too much about them. The traps may be keying off the declining photoperiod. Do you have space indoors for them, though that won't lower the temperature down too much from 26c. Room in the refrigerator? :?
By Barlapipas 6
Posts:  476
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Unfortunately no room in the fridge. But I had a thought. What if I watered my plants with cold water and also put them in a more shaded spot? Is it a good or a bad idea?
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By Intheswamp
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Well, I dunno about the idea. I don't know about watering with cold might shock the plants and the coolness will only last a very short while. They probably still need some sunshine. Anyway to move them to a spot that goes into shade earlier in the day than where they are at now...maybe further back beneath a porch roof or something. As Chef said, they're gonna do what they do...if conditions are favorable for growing, they'll grow...if the conditions are favorable for them going dormant, they'll go dormant. Don't sweat it too much. Breath. ;)
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By Panman
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What will your winter temperatures get to? If it will eventually get below 50f/10c, I wouldn't worry about it. The plants are equally cued on light and temperature.
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By Barlapipas 6
Posts:  476
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At previous years the average lowest temperature in deep winter was around 0°C. But the last year was hotter overall and this year is a lot hotter than the previous one. So I don’t know if the winter will be warmer like the rest of the year. I hope that the temperatures will get normal again. I think the best I can do is to move them to an area with a bit more shade or leave them do their thing. Oh… and I forgot to tell you that tomorrow the temperature will rise to 28°C! Isn’t that great?
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By andynorth
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We have had it kind of weird here in the PNW also. 80F most of last week. Dropped just above freezing the last 2 nights. Supposed to be in mid to upper 70's this weekend. I have left all my plants outside. VFT's been going black for a little over a week now. Others seem to be following suit. I figure to have them in the garage within a couple weeks. Then I will concentrate on germinating more seed and watching my non dormant Drosera go crazy in their greenhouse. This has truly been an odd ball weather system.

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