FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By PlantMom84
Posts:  144
Joined:  Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:43 am
Hello everyone! I have a question about repotting VFT. As I was watering my plant yesterday I noticed that there are roots coming out of the drainage hole. Can I repot it now or should I wait? Help!

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By ChefDean
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How close is dormancy?
If you're about a month or less away, wait until spring. If you anticipate a couple of months, you could do it now.
But, as long as it isn't showing anything detrimental, I'd probably wait until spring either way.
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By PlantMom84
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Fall just started here. Not sure when dormancy will start. This is my first time with the winter dormancy.

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By Intheswamp
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Unless it's just a big wad of roots I'd wait.
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By PlantMom84
Posts:  144
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Thanks guys! I got it last year about a month into winter and it was already dormant clue lol

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By PlantMom84
Posts:  144
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If it helps, I am in northern West Virginia

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