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Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
Posts:  6579
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
That will clear up a couple of sarr spots for you and I'll refill it with some cool looking hybrid seeds I just harvested. I don't know what their parentage is but definitely some leuco in there.

This'll be a twofor with August's request.
SASE received from ???

I have received a SASE from a South Carolina addre[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1715. I'll PM[…]

Seeds received, thanks to you and the donors!


:geek: Welcome. :ugeek:

Here's my D.M. 'Ghost'

5 gallons for indoor plants just sounds like goals[…]

As y’all know I spent a silly amount (for my[…]

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