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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Intheswamp
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Here's my newbie summary of providing a good home for your VFT.

Container: A 6"/15cm-deep by 15cm-wide pot will be a very nice size container for a single plant...something a little deeper would be great, but the width good. The plant will probably be good in this pot for a few years. The pot should have lots of drain holes.

Saucer/tray: The pot may come with a saucer attached or not. I prefer a pot that has a diameter 5cm larger than the pot and about 1"/2.5cm deep. That size saucer will allow easy watering and should hold an ample amount of reserve water for a couple of days.

Potting mix: Use sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat moss and either coarse silica sand or perlite. Rinse your moss at least a couple of times with distilled water or rainwater...not water from the faucet! Wet the moss good and squeeze it out...the water will be very will never get to be clear. The sand/perlite can use rinsing, too. Mix 1-part moistened moss with 1-part sand or perlite.

Location: Maybe for the first couple of weeks after re-potting the plant place it where it has full morning (cooler) sun...maybe placed beside an east side of a wall or other vertical object. As the plant stabilizes in it's new home gradually move it further away from the wall which will allow an increase in the length of direct sunlight. Eventually allowing it to have full sunlight all day.

One thing that I wonder about is whether the plant has not went through dormancy. From my understanding VFTs need a dormant period or they will die within a couple of years. Singapore appears to not really have climate conditions that would allow a dormant period. But, from your previous description of the traps being wet, soggy, and rotting I think the potting and watering issues need addressing first. VFTs want moist conditions but not soggy conditions.

Keep trying. You can only fail if you quit trying. ;)
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By Wutihbe
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So its been like a week i think and my vft has a new setup, i plan to improve it by alot. so any suggestions and things i can change on my setup?
vft setup
vft setup
AD5DE588-37A4-4857-93A4-7F6908D5EF11.jpeg (2.05 MiB) Viewed 1644 times
entire vft
entire vft
99CE5530-99C2-4050-B00D-D66A4491EDA6.jpeg (1.77 MiB) Viewed 1644 times
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By Intheswamp
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The other pot was big enough, but this will work ok, too. Just be sure you keep it moist (not soggy) and that the pot can drain. Does it have a tray or saucer beneath it?
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By Wutihbe
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Intheswamp wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 11:01 am The other pot was big enough, but this will work ok, too. Just be sure you keep it moist (not soggy) and that the pot can drain. Does it have a tray or saucer beneath it?
yep there is a tray underneath :D
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By Intheswamp
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Wutihbe wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 2:39 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 11:01 am The other pot was big enough, but this will work ok, too. Just be sure you keep it moist (not soggy) and that the pot can drain. Does it have a tray or saucer beneath it?
yep there is a tray underneath :D
I would keep the water depth that the pot sits in to and inch (~2.5cm) or a little less.
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By Intheswamp
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Wutihbe wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:21 am VFT update:
uh... it died
because it has not rained a lot recently.
and I collect rain water for the vft.. so uh..
better luck when I grow em again
Sorry to hear that. I think you need to review the care that you gave the plant and correct any problems with your method before acquiring another one, especially your water and watering issues. On a rooftop a plant (of any kind) cannot be left to survive on its own...depending on the heat level it could very well need daily attention or at a minimum every two days.
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By septembersapphire21
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Ik this question was asked in March, but would still like to reply.

I'm new to growing VFTs outside, but I knew the best and most important thing for VFTs is a TON of light. I made a plant stand that can hold up to six maybe seven pots. My four divisions are growing in a 6-inch pot with 50:50 sphagnum moss/perlite, and the main plants are growing in the same size pot, but half of sphagnum moss/perlite, and peat moss/perlite. I'm letting them there all day and night and they are very well acclimated to the environment. Because of where I have them, they are getting 12 hours of sunlight! However, I do bring them in my garage in case of a rainstorm. Ik they are ok to be out there like their wild counterparts, but most times it gets very windy and the rain can flood their media, possibly of causing root/crown rot.

I check on them all the time to see when they need to be watered, did they catch any bugs or anything else. They are happy now that their outside and I even have a lemon balm and my newest plant, a chocolate mint growing with them. If my method works I'll continue it into next year when I get a cultivar or two. If you or anyone can do this, totally recommend! ;)
By tommyr
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Wutihbe wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 5:01 pm uh..
how do i say this
so i left 3 pots of venus flytraps outside on a rooftop garden and left it there was untouched for almost a month. and yesterday (its 1:02am rn) i went to check up on my vfts.
i found 2 plants dead, another one which possibly is suffering from root rot, and a pot full of algae. so i concluded to not leave vfts out in the rain. now i have 1vft left alive.
any tips ( or pictures) on where/how to plant vfts outside without it literally drowning in rain water?
(i cant sleep and i need to stop worrying about it)
any suggestions?
i need to put up and gather info from you guys so i can finally keep a single plant alive.
(i cant get pictures rn im gonna go sleep)
Before putting out there did you acclimate them to full Sun properly? In other words, did you harden them off? They MAY have been burned if you just stuck them out there.
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