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By Panman
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Holy moly. I don't know how magic @Matt swung this, but he is now able to sell wild flytrap seeds that were LEGALLY harvested in Brunswick County, NC. See Matt's post here. I am pretty sure that I know the place he is talking about. I know that the place has had problems with poachers in the past and actually put a few of them in jail. I am really psyched to be able to add some wild, location specific, flytrap genetics into my collection. I ordered my pack!
Order yours here!
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By optique
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Now he is closer to the East coast who knows whats next. Selfishly i am looking forward to the shorter shipping times.
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By CPhunter101
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optique wrote: Selfishly i am looking forward to the shorter shipping times.
I beleive that it's fairer now (a bit sad for all the Washington/Oregon/California guys though)...
He's (sort of) located in the middle of the continent so shipping should be almost the same for everyone.
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By MaxVft
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CPhunter101 wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:25 am
optique wrote: Selfishly i am looking forward to the shorter shipping times.
I beleive that it's fairer now (a bit sad for all the Washington/Oregon/California guys though)...
I live in Oregon, and when I ordered from FTS when they were also located just a few hours away from me in Oregon, the shipping was actually a lot longer than now that they ship from Missouri.
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By Matt
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Panman wrote:Holy moly. I don't know how magic @Matt swung this, but he is now able to sell wild flytrap seeds
:lol: No magic involved! The opportunity just kind of fell in my lap and I did some research about the legality of offering such a product then went ahead and did it. I'm just one of quite a few other buyers from this particular property owner -- not sure what the other buyers do with their seeds, as I've never seen them offered anywhere else before.

I'm glad that quite a few people will be adding these new Venus flytrap genetics into cultivation and that the place I sourced them from is a responsible and legal entity for obtaining them!
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By MikeB
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MaxVft wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:18 pm Well...
I live in Oregon, and when I ordered from FTS when they were also located just a few hours away from me in Oregon, the shipping was actually a lot longer than now that they ship from Missouri.
The Post Office moves in mysterious ways....
(nod to U2 on that one)

When I check the tracking history on incoming USPS shipments, it isn't unusual to see them hit the Raleigh distribution center (about 20 miles from my house), then go west to the Greensboro distribution center (about 90 miles from my house), then come back. I have no explanation for the "logic" behind this.
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