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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By Hugestarsfan44
Posts:  15
Joined:  Mon May 10, 2021 12:22 pm
Texas loves to go from one extreme to the next. The first day I got my first trap was a week ago. It was a perfect bright sunny 90 degree day, so we spent a little time outside acclimating. The next day we had high winds 30-40mph and the temperature dropped to 70 and was partly cloudy. Still tried to get some outside time but it was very windy and he kept blowing over (I would have anchored it, but I figured if the wind is strong enough to blow the whole thing over then the plant itself probably doesn’t like it when it’s been newly potted, we still got a couple hours of sun in though). Fast forward, today was very stormy and temps dropped to low 50s. Got some outside time before the storms, but it was cold and I knew the potential for hail which we did end up getting, so brought him in. I know cold and wet is bad so he was only outside for about 4 hours getting what “light” he could despite the clouds. So my question is, how do I really know when it’s appropriate to leave him outside? I’ve basically been bringing him in when I know more extreme conditions are coming. Is the fluctuation in temperature a problem or am I overly paranoid? It can literally be 90s one day and snowing the next (not typical but it happens). I’m sure y’all heard about Snowmageddon back in February. We were just fine the week before, 70s-80s then boom! 5 degrees outside, entire state in a frozen, powerless, waterless wasteland. Then a week later back to 70s. Obviously this year was a freak storm and I wouldn’t have left the plant out in that, but a normal daily spring time fluctuation can be 20-30 degrees. So temperature/weather fluctuations are my main concern. I’ve looked through the care sheets and forums and no one has said anything about this kind of stuff. Thanks for any advice!
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By optique
Posts:  1948
Joined:  Fri May 24, 2019 11:15 pm
Its been wacky weather here too. I have taken my plants inside twice this spring to save new growth from frost, but other than that they stay outside. My tallest flytraps look deformed I think its from the 40f nights to 85f days the shorter plants seem to be normal.
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By tommyr
Posts:  1761
Joined:  Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:38 am
When there is danger of frost just cover the plants for the night until the temperatures rises again in the morning. It's always tricky this time of year. My traps will go out today finally (I wake them up under lights starting in February) and I'll start acclimating them to Sun. If we get a frost I just cover them up for the night.

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