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By ChefDean
Posts:  9450
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
It was brought to my attention by a member that we have some D. x Watari seeds in the seed bank, but his understanding is that they're sterile.
Everything I could find on the matter also points to them being sterile/not viable.
Does anyone have any information to the contrary on this? I'm going to pull them if not.
Your thoughts?
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9450
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
I don't have a loupe, so I can't get a great look at their physical condition. However, the assumption of sterility is based on their parentage, along with reports here and other places, as we as personal experiences shared by other members.
I'll do some more research before I decide what to do. I'll probably end up sending out a bonus, we'll see.
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