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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By Gormur
Posts:  15
Joined:  Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:21 pm
Hello there, my first post here :mrgreen:

I wanted to get a second opinion on something. If the VFT is standing or erect (I'm new to this obviously) once put into the soil, does that actually mean that it's placed properly in the media? Just to add this is my first VFT to plant and it's in a 6.5" self-water with sand on bottom and LFS above that, wrapped around the VFT.

Thanks a lot,

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By Shadowtski
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Welcome to the Forum!
Matt, the Admin, has posted How-To pages here:

I plant mine so the White part of the rhizome is buried and the Green new growth is at surface level.
Exact depth is not critical because the plant will level itself, eventually.

But I'm a Drosera guy, so this is just my 02¢ worth.

Good growing,
By Gormur
Posts:  15
Joined:  Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:21 pm
Thanks. My real wonder was whether standing - and one trap began opening as i watered in rain, which scared me. Ha! - straight up meant it was reaching for air. I guess maybe it's just breathing. I was thinking of adding some top off but it's probably okay

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By Matt
Posts:  22524
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Welcome to FlytrapCare! As Mike mentioned, flytraps should be potted with the soil level is even with the top of the white bulb (or rhizome) and the green leaves and traps are above the soil.

It's hard to fully grasp what is going on in your case without a photo. Can you share one so we can offer more feedback?
By Gormur
Posts:  15
Joined:  Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:21 pm
Thank you Matt,

Well the problem resolved itself as we've had a cold spell here (Nashville, Tennessee), so I can see I did it well - the wind is scary :lol: Anyway, I had issues with retrieving photos I took but I promise to fix it next time around.

Thanks for your patience,

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By ChefDean
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Gormur wrote:Thank you Matt,

Well the problem resolved itself as we've had a cold spell here (Nashville, Tennessee), so I can see I did it well - the wind is scary :lol: Anyway, I had issues with retrieving photos I took but I promise to fix it next time around.

Thanks for your patience,

Nice to finally find someone close, I'm in Clarksville myself, I think the weather is confused here too. Last week we had mid 70's one day and barely above freezing the next.
I'm also growing VFT's outdoors with some Sarracenia, temperate Sundews, and, seasonally, a Nepenthes. Inside I have some other Sundews, Pinguicula, and baby VFT's.
Maybe we can eventually trade plants to diversify our collections.
Take care, and keep asking questions. The members here are extremely helpful.
By Gormur
Posts:  15
Joined:  Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:21 pm
Neat. Well my VFT has browned and is sort of just lying there on the soil. I keep track of how it looks everyday with photos. At least the outer edge around the teeth is still green. It's a PG, so yeah it's already sort of big with inch- long traps

Sometime i'll sort out my USB issue if i buy a digital camera
By Gormur
Posts:  15
Joined:  Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:21 pm
All right, i felt the need to give you an update. I figured it out

The problem was the first two VFTs didn't have a rhizome. I didn't know that was possible, but the third was a charm. This thing is huge :o :lol:

I've planted it on Monday and it's looking healthy. Maybe the traps will open fully soon. It's been warm outside

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