FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies

Moderator: Matt

By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Hello everyone. I have a little giveaway game. What else is new? I am going to post this board game . It has 46 spaces. I am going to ask those you that want to play to select only one space per day until all 46 are taken. This is going to require that you look carefully that the number you select has not been taken by another participant. If this happens you will be disqualified and out of the drawing. (And I will see if a post has been edited) That's one of the rules. I will compile the numbers for each eligible person and have a random drawing 1-46 when all numbers have been chosen. See this way you have more chances to win the more numbers next to your name. You will probably have to check in daily if you want to play. Again one pick per 24 hour period. If you pick before that 24 hours you are also out of the game. Who wants to play campers plant adventure???! Game ends when all 46 numbers are taken..
Reread the rules because you don't want to get the boot. :lol:
Same general stuff...every fts member in the U.S. can participate in the game. Winner agrees to pay for shipping.
Ready to play :D
Choose carefully and once per day only
Choose carefully and once per day only
camping-board-game.-blue-advance-of-two-numbers.-red-skip-one-tour.png (278.65 KiB) Viewed 4018 times
hollyhock, hollyhock liked this

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