FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies

Moderator: Matt

By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
1. Jeeper - Fruitcake
2. Mo_carnivore - Christmas cookies
3. Nepenthes 0260 - Christmas stocking
4. Vacuous_Soot- utricularia
5. KK - Heliamphora
6. HungryPlants - genlisea
7. Kstap18 - VFT
8. Subarashi - FTS gift card
9. DragonEye - cephalotus
10.T9GEAR - Nepenthes
11. Chris8888 - giant candy cane
12.Xanthoparmelia - pinguicula
13.m80torpedo3 - Sarracenia
14. twitcher - lump of coal
15. Carnivorous Chick -VFT
16.ChefDean - bag of moss
17. Mawy_Plants - ornament
18. Pitcher Perfect - Elf hat
19. Shadowtski - Drosera
20. Huntsmanshorn- utricularia
21. xr280xr - byblis seeds
22. EliWhitney3140 - bag of mixed nuts
23.SpahgnumFromHell- Christmas cactus
24. Oval - Nepenthes
25. FLTropical - Sarracenia

Alright I copied the sign up list and posted it here. You will notice a plant species (or some Grinch item now) next to each name. If your number was drawn right now you would win that type of plant. :D
But what fun is that?
This game is based loosely on the rules of the white elephant gift exchange. This is where you have an opportunity to "steal" a gift. Or in this game trade positions in the list. So I will post an easy Christmas trivia question. If you would prefer a different plant type you must first answer the question correctly and then give me the # where you want to be in the list. The name in that spot will be exchanged with you. I will edit the list after each "place swap". You will also notice that there are some plants with only one available. And there are also a couple of "white elephant" and Grinch type too. Spot swapping is unlimited but you must be lucky enough to catch the trivia question first. I will not reveal when the game will end. Hopefully this makes sense. Let's get started and see how it goes... :lol:
hollyhock, hollyhock, hollyhock and 3 others liked this
By Subarashi
Posts:  49
Joined:  Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:01 pm
hollyhock wrote:Question #4
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a ______?"

I'll take #8

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hi: im feedmesemore

Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks! They will stay outside from now on.

Hello from New England

Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks, y’all!

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