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By ApgarTraps
Posts:  79
Joined:  Mon May 28, 2018 2:22 pm
I pulled this leaf, buried it, and forgot about it.

2 months later....LOOK!
Leaf seemed to be totally dead for many weeks, then suddenly tiny traps appeared.
Leaf seemed to be totally dead for many weeks, then suddenly tiny traps appeared.
Leaf pull STRIKE 7Jul18.jpg (281.23 KiB) Viewed 1221 times
NEVER give up on these amazing plants...
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By stevelau1911
Posts:  175
Joined:  Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:53 am
Its easier and much faster to remove the growth point preferably with some working young traps and root growth, then let the bottom part strike. They usually strike within 2 weeks and the traps are automatically started at a larger size, and most of the time, there will be multiple strikes.

With minimal size traps, it should still be possible to get that one up to 1/2inch sized traps by the end of the season if they are fed consistently with gnats, ants, or freeze dried bloodworms.
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By ApgarTraps
Posts:  79
Joined:  Mon May 28, 2018 2:22 pm
That's cool. Thanks.

It sounds like I need to peel off a part of the rhizome with roots and a few leaves?

Amazing how the plant is "tricked" into thinking its older...


Triple-scanned for accuracy by SpelCzech

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