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By Fieldofscreams
Posts:  1315
Joined:  Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:14 am
Do you have it sitting in a tray of water?

I leave mine in a tray of water for 24 hours and then remove it for 48 hours. Its what works in my current outdoor climate.
By KategoricalKarnivore
Posts:  1769
Joined:  Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:00 pm
Yeah that is WAY to dry. Does that pot have holes in the bottom? If not get one that has holes and repot into that one. Fill up a bowl/tray of water and put the whole pot in the bowl. You need to soak that soil NOW. It may already be too late. Let it sit in the water for an hour or so. If it sucks up all the water in the bowl add some more. If you don't have a pot with holes you need to basically flood that pot with water until it is pretty much saturated because your plant needs all the water it can get right now.
By riveraXVX
Posts:  1099
Joined:  Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:29 am
weird that I replied to this before dinner I thought but now don't see my reply I must have hit preview but not submit!

that medium looks insanely dry, does that container have drainage holes?

also the medium you planted it in black gold, seems to have a yucca extract in it which seems to affect its wetting/drying properties and looking at non VFT information on it seems to retain salts from its drying process. I would avoid using it as I do not know how yucca extract would affect or not affect a VFT. it looks like there is nothing else mixed into your media also - the general recommendation is 50% perlite and 50% pure peat moss, or a combination of peat/sand/perlite. without knowing for sure what the additive does to the plant I'd go with a pure 100% peat moss with zero additives.

also the indoors sometimes and outdoors sometime thing, you generally don't want to do that as the plants do not like the constantly rapidly changing conditions both in temperatures and humidities. it will stress them out, and if it already has other issues that are stressing it out (additives to medium, not enough aeration in root area (no perlite/sand), being transplanted) the plants will look very happy very quickly. you should get the mediums and container sorted, flush everything good with distilled water, get it into its new setups, and find a home for it to sit and rest and recover without all the moving back and forth. outdoors is generally better than in doors if your weather allows it.

this plant MAY be a goner, but once you get the very few conditions they need sorted out adjusted, even some of the worst plants I've seen can still spring back to life, they are incredibly hardy and resilient plants considering how easy one of their conditions not being met can throw them off track.
By PiranhaPlanter1
Posts:  181
Joined:  Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:21 pm
Fieldofscreams wrote:The top should look and feel moist, it needs more water.

Its hard to explain what i mean by having a "cavity" just below the surface. I made a hole with my finger, guided the roots down into the hole and pressed the soil down and around the rizhome but i dont think i did it enough to fill in the entire hole below the surface.
Because you want the roots going straight down rather in different angles. I do that as well but perfected a newer method. Fill the pot with moist peat I use powdered silica sand as well. And I build just half way of the pot to the top and leave the other half with a gaping space. Thanks to the media being moist and compactable it doesn't fall to fill the space. I line up my plant with the soil level and then you can start filling the rest of the pot but now your plant is placed exactly how you want. I came about this when I was unsatisfied with the tops of my plants when I would transplant. Either too low or too high plus media on the leaves is unappealing.

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By Benurmanii
Posts:  2000
Joined:  Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:34 pm
You need to do more than spray, you need to water until you see water run out of the bottom of the pot. Having the top level moist doesn't necessarily mean that the soil where the roots are at is gonna have enough water. It also seems to have not had enough light where you bought it from.
By PiranhaPlanter1
Posts:  181
Joined:  Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:21 pm
Fieldofscreams wrote:I solved the problem by switching to LFSM lol
Yeah that works too. I did that for awhile but it dries out too quick here for me. Still learning how to perfect it in the dry as heck heat waves we get here. Too cold or too hot lol, springs nice but too wet

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