FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By thebugfish
Posts:  4
Joined:  Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:48 pm
Been reading a lot on this site decided to join. Thanks for everyones help so far. Got 6 new vft's and 2 sarracineas. Put them all in 1 pot 10" with bowl under them. Had them couple weeks now. Interesting undertaking. Wait and see
thebugfish liked this
By Fly Trap Hunter
Posts:  746
Joined:  Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:56 am
thebugfish wrote:Been reading a lot on this site decided to join. Thanks for everyones help so far. Got 6 new vft's and 2 sarracineas. Put them all in 1 pot 10" with bowl under them. Had them couple weeks now. Interesting undertaking. Wait and see
welcome to the forum. take pics as you go to watch the progress and share with the fts community. Good luck!
RO Buddy Reviews

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