FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By boarderlib
Posts:  1641
Joined:  Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:13 pm
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Plant: Heliamphora Minor (received 3/25/2016) (pic taken 6/28/2016)
Camera: Samsung Galaxy S7
Country: USA
Magnifying glass used as an additional lense.

I hope I uploaded this correctly. Great pics so far everyone!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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By Wahter
Posts:  198
Joined:  Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:05 am
On May 31st, 2016, I found a black widow spider in my garage, so I used some forceps to feed it to one of my Venus Flytrap plants ('Grün'). I made a video of that. I assembled this in Adobe PhotoShop CS 4 using some photos of the spider, the VFT, and 4 screen captures in a "Mortal Kombat" theme.

All of the photos (and the original video) were taken with my LG Ultimate 2 Tracfone.

Plant: Dionaea muscipula 'Grün'

Country: USA
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By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Here's an interesting Sarracenia flava I purchased from Meadowview near the completion of my internship as a restoration ecologist. Pictures were taken today, July 5th, 2016. With Nickon 3200 55 mm lens.
DSC_0162_zpswxgsybve.jpg (67.6 KiB) Viewed 6485 times
By sbrooks
Posts:  748
Joined:  Tue May 22, 2012 3:33 pm
Guava Sawtooth, Fluorescent and LED lights, Samsung Galaxy S3 (possibly the last one in existence).
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Sundew dormancy

Hi all. It appears that my unknown volunteer sunde[…]

Peter D'Amato passed today

I'm sorry to hear this.

Hello from Chicago, Illinois.

I'm just starting out with carnivorous plants &[…]

Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

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