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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

By leiter1212
Posts:  45
Joined:  Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:22 pm
GOOD NOW U GUYS CAN HELP ME SWEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the crappy royal red i got from WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO???????????
100_0589.JPG (595.97 KiB) Viewed 3349 times
100_0586.JPG (651.65 KiB) Viewed 3349 times
100_0588.JPG (597.39 KiB) Viewed 3349 times
By Eric
Posts:  1143
Joined:  Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:23 am
I'd say that you should cut off the dead leaves and put it in direct sunlight as soon as possible.
By Nickrober
Posts:  427
Joined:  Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:07 am
I'd cut off the dead leaves and put it on a windowsill. Direct sunlight outside might give it such sunburn it can't handle it in its weakened state. Treat it a lot like a normal, healthy VFT.
By marvin1997
Posts:  225
Joined:  Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:26 am
no...give it high humidity first and in the shade......Thenyou gradually decrease the humidity and increse the light...If you giveit too much sun too fast it might rot.....light one of mine(don't know if you guys do that but I do that)
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By Matt
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It's not actually that bad looking. I was expecting much worse. The red varieties don't usually have many leaves, so it's normal that it only has 4 or 5 leaves. And it looks like it's putting out new growth too. I think that plant will be fine. I'd recommend gradually introducing it to direct sunlight. A sunny windowsill will work well.
By dionaea muscipula
Posts:  1956
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wow that looks better then the one i got hehe well you got better luck then me well i don know wat to say as you already have good advise from other users
By watnazn
Posts:  426
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Yeah, thats a good looking plant. Just put it on the windowsill and it will start to look really nice.
By Aging_Bourbon
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Well dude it's not as bad as you described it. To me it's a fairly healthy plant! better than the one's that I got from them. An it looks like you already got some really good advice but i wouldn't give it sunlight right away i would acclimate it.

By kevinqwe
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its okay but not good give it some time
By doku
Posts:  346
Joined:  Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:12 pm
it actually looks good. It looks a lot better than the plants that i got from them. Seeing that it has quite a bit of red i would say that it was grown with some strong light. Not a whole lot of sun though. I believe that they grow their plants in high humidity, so i would say to worry more about acclimating them to lower humidity than worry about more light. i would probably put them in a spot where they get a good amount of sun as well as some humidity, and than go from there. maybe a windowsill. I think you still have enough time to get them acclimated and growing a bit before dormancy hits. That, of course, is from my experience though. Good luck.
By lil_mike227
Posts:  180
Joined:  Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:06 pm
ha i dont know if what i say is going to be as good was what everyone else said but when i bought them my plants were in worse condition then that and i made some amature potting erors and had to repot three times in one week and all i did was leve them outside and they all pulled through just fine. in fact i posted a picture not to long ago and its doin great you should check it out :D
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By linton
Posts:  940
Joined:  Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:29 am
Your plant exhibits typical "Royal Red" growth pattern and looks identical to mine which has been in my collection for at least a year & a half. The plant will grow shorter petioles in the cooler months, or may not grow at all - sometimes growth retreats underground. In the warmer season the petioles become elongated and almost look etoliated except that in bright light the trap will attain a good size. This plant always seems to remain a very deep red - even through Winter.

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