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By Drone232
Posts:  211
Joined:  Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:02 pm
I have a small greenhouse set up in the corner of my room where I am keeping tropical sundews and two Nepenthes, miranda and ventricosa. They had been outside all summer, but it has gotten too cold to keep them outside. I occasionally mist them with distilled water and have two lamps flanking them. I walmart lamp with a 1600 lumen cfl bulb I got from walmart and that did quite well last winter when I brought my plants in. The other is in the upper left corner and is a dayspot incandescant bulb providing a little heat and more light. I got it from amazon and have no idea the lumens or color temperature, but the description on amazon sayed it was great for houseplants and orchids and it had favorable reviews. I am not looking for the perfect environment, just one to last till spring. Is this all right?
box of lightbulb being used in upper left corner. Does not have lumen or color temperature specifications
box of lightbulb being used in upper left corner. Does not have lumen or color temperature specifications
20151004_145757_resized.jpg (35.38 KiB) Viewed 2480 times
close up of green house and lighting arrangment with one lamp one right and one in upper left corner
close up of green house and lighting arrangment with one lamp one right and one in upper left corner
20151004_145749_resized.jpg (35.88 KiB) Viewed 2480 times
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
As far as I know, incandescent aren't what you want to use. A CFL will probably be better for providing usable light. "Plant lights" aren't much better than an incandescent, IIRC.

For heat, though, and incandescent will do nicely since you can leave it on at night, and it won't mess up photoperiod.
Hello again from Florida


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