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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US

Moderator: Matt

By Nancy
Posts:  236
Joined:  Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:23 pm
Besides ordering from overseas, does anyone know where I can buy a Helimphora pulchella, nutans or heterodoxa? I've been growing Heli minors but it's become a "been there done that" sort of thing and I want to try the others. I would prefer to buy from someone reliable in the USA to keep the shipping costs down and reduce time in transit shock on the plants.
AND since Matt's out of stock of the nutans :( , I thought I would ask here.
By Nancy
Posts:  236
Joined:  Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:23 pm
Cory I was so excited when I saw you replied, was hoping you would say "I have some!" :lol:

Thank you so much for that link and wow....his prices are very reasonable. I have it bookmarked and am thinking of sending him an email to see if he can give me a ball park time frame on when he might have some available. Doesn't hurt to ask
or nag..... ;)
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By Cory
Posts:  1149
Joined:  Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:42 pm
It always helps lol.
Marcus is a nice guy.

I have some divisions of minor var. big orange here now but they are far to small and soft for new growers

Bug me in the spring I may have some plants available by then. Or nag your preference lol
By Nancy
Posts:  236
Joined:  Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:23 pm
I'm going to start hanging around here more and keeping an eye out in this section.
Just so you know, I followed your instructions that you have posted on this forum on how to divide up and care for Ceph's divisions and all 9 of my divisions survived.....thank you, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
By nblaster9
Posts:  39
Joined:  Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:07 am
I know California carnivores just put some plants up for sale, they are more on the expensive side but they have really good shipping methods. I am sure they're well known on this site.
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