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By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
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I went to start clearing out the older jars to make some room for a new pack of nep seeds I ordered after seeing Jens success with his. And, behold! A single germinating seed! Unfortunately, that means I have to keep the other 10 jars 'just in case'. I also kept a proper log as I tried 5 or 6 different sterilization methods with these. The single germinating seed is 1 of 10 treated for ~10 mins with 10% bleach (not pH modified). No pictures yet, but I promise I will put one up as soon as its large enough to focus on. I used 1/4 MS + vitamins.

Seeing that the 10 min treatment wasn't harsh enough to kill them, I don't see any other reason why my milder treatments didn't work (at least yet!). So I'm thinking even 1/4 MS might be too strong for these sensitive seeds. Might try my next batch at a lower concentration, or maybe germinate them on plain media and then transfer them?

Anyways, more of a hooray post! Nice to have a nep seed success, even if it is only 1. :D

EDIT- Just found a second one! 1/10 seeds in the 10% Bleach adjusted to pH 8 for 5 mins treatment. :D :D
By hackerberry
Posts:  1704
Joined:  Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:58 pm
Congrats renesis! Maybe I should try NEP seeds again. Keep us posted man!

By sativ
Posts:  110
Joined:  Sat May 30, 2009 6:38 pm
I think that you have slow germinating seeds, or old. I always sow seeds in vivo to compare time of germination and it's % with in vitro seeds. Some neps are very senitive- i use 0,2-0,5 MS, seedlings of N. gymanphora on 1/2MS died in half.... [other reason can be 1,5ml PPM/l, but i don't think so] Congrats ;) I find nepenthes seeds very easy to sterylise, they don't need hard or long sterylisation.

By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
Thanks everyone!
sativ wrote:I think that you have slow germinating seeds, or old. I always sow seeds in vivo to compare time of germination and it's % with in vitro seeds. Some neps are very senitive- i use 0,2-0,5 MS, seedlings of N. gymanphora on 1/2MS died in half.... [other reason can be 1,5ml PPM/l, but i don't think so] Congrats ;) I find nepenthes seeds very easy to sterylise, they don't need hard or long sterylisation.

Thanks Sativ! I did also sow quite a few in vivo, (some in sphagnum, some in coir) and have at least 50% germination there. They were sown at the same time I did the in vitro and have already developed their first baby pitchers. The two germinating in vitro have just put out their seed leaves so far. I didn't add any PPM to the media, it just just 1/4 MS + vitamins, and pH adjusted to 5.7. It will be interesting to see if the in vitro seedlings can catch up to the in vivo ones.

You should post some pics of your cultures too! I'd like to see them.
By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
Almost as excited that I got the camera to focus inside the jar as I am the nep seed is germinating!
Germinating nep seed - I'm surprised I got it to focus!
Germinating nep seed - I'm surprised I got it to focus!
DSCF6772.JPG (124.1 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
Same species in coir with a baby pitcher:
In vivo- baby pitcher!
In vivo- baby pitcher!
DSCF6785.JPG (157.81 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
Bonus pics:

Some d. peltata var peltata. Anyone managed to grow tubers in TC yet? I'm thinking about trying a few of them in some NAA. Any thoughts?
D. peltata var peltata
D. peltata var peltata
DSCF6779.JPG (176.96 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
Yellow VFT seedling - from Steve's Variety Mix
Yellow VFT seedling - from Steve's Variety Mix
DSCF6781.JPG (123.78 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
Learning to macro:
D. adelae
D. adelae
DSCF6714.JPG (311.48 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
DSCF6676.JPG (65.24 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
DSCF6674.JPG (72.36 KiB) Viewed 6544 times
By English Springer
Posts:  705
Joined:  Wed May 06, 2009 1:08 am
Great pictures...I think you've got the macro setting on your camera figured out!
By hackerberry
Posts:  1704
Joined:  Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:58 pm
Awesome pictures man! Thanks for posting!

By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
Thanks guys! Still waiting on those other nep seeds I ordered. I'll keep you all posted!
By hackerberry
Posts:  1704
Joined:  Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:58 pm
Nice renesis, we will wait for your updates!

By Marcos Ono
Posts:  53
Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:48 pm
Nice works!
Do you know if is easy to start Tissue Culture of Nepenthes stems?
How did you sterelize flower stalk of Dionaeas?
I have some Cephalotus and Dionaeas in vitro with Kyoto medium with coconut water. Did you try this medium?
Your info will be very helpyfull for me.
Sorry for my bad english.
Marcos Ono from Brazil.
By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
Marcos Ono wrote:Nice works!
Do you know if is easy to start Tissue Culture of Nepenthes stems?
How did you sterelize flower stalk of Dionaeas?
I have some Cephalotus and Dionaeas in vitro with Kyoto medium with coconut water. Did you try this medium?
Your info will be very helpyfull for me.
Sorry for my bad english.
Marcos Ono from Brazil.
Hey Marcos!


I think Nepenthes from stem or leaf are among the hardest. From the research I've done, some people get them to callous, but then die shortly after that. Its likely a lot easier to start from seed and build up over a few years.

For Dionaeas, I've been using 10 mins in 10% bleach and rinsing with distilled water.

I haven't tried Kyoto medium or coconut water, only MS media so far. I want to try Knudson C for nepenthes though, as I've seen some people with success using that. You should post up some pictures of your Cephalotus and Dionaeas, I'd really like to see them!

Lastly, your english is fine! I could understand everything.

By renesis
Posts:  374
Joined:  Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm
Alright, got my new nep seeds in TC today!

They are a hybrid (N. ampullaria x N. mirabilis) x N.gracilis 'Black'

Somewhere around 200 seeds in TC, and another 25 or so in LFS.

I tried some with 10% bleach for 10 minutes as I saw limited success with that treatment in the first round, and the rest with 2,3, or 4 hours of PPM treatment after seeing this post: ... hread=3147

I used 50% MS, as well as 20% MS to see if its the concentration that's preventing the germination.

Fingers crossed!

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