FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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List the plants you grow

Moderator: Matt

By Zombie_walker
Posts:  328
Joined:  Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:30 am
Thank you very much Mike! I know how that feels but 5 is definitely a good start to a collection, I still look at other people's growlists and think how amazing they are compared to mine.

I wish your plants the best of health too! Also don't worry, with the help of some very kind people here on the forums your list will start to grow too in no time :] Good luck growing!
By MandTTerrarium13
Posts:  26
Joined:  Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:36 am
Yeah, we're not worried about that! We're just new. Tyler actually wanted to be a botany major! Only thing we're is that we have these cousins that sometimes go into the yard when we're not home and they are so destructive, they'd end up tearing up the plants. When we move we wanna put the plants outside but as of right now they gotta stay in the terrarium. We are planning on getting out of this house soon. :)

By charlie
Posts:  545
Joined:  Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:08 pm
yes your list will start growing out of control ;)
I started out in december 2012 and check out my grow list :)
don't worry it will start growing once you have the carnivorous plant bug :)
By Zombie_walker
Posts:  328
Joined:  Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:30 am
Zygoneria Orchid
Japanese Marimo (Moss Ball in English)

If anyone doesn't know what a Marimo is here's a picture of the little guy I received for Valentines Day.
It's technically an algae ball but probably not like any algae you've seen. It rolls around, floats up and down, cleans the water and Blows Bubbles. So pretty much It's just a cute little fuzzy ball.
Here he is blowing bubbles and just floating around.
Marimo.jpg (111.67 KiB) Viewed 3472 times
By Zombie_walker
Posts:  328
Joined:  Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:30 am
charlie wrote:ew!! I want one :lol:
:lol: Lol you can find them at Petsmart I believe, they are neglected there though and not cared for well at all. Kind of like Flytraps at Lowes. I took mine a bath this morning and it seems happy ^-^ haha
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