FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By - gabriel -
I got 2 potted Venus Fly Traps this morning from a local garden center, I noticed that some of the leaves didn't develop traps and some have really small traps. What does small traps mean?

Also, I chose the plants that has two growths in one pot (baby plant developing). Is it okay to remove the plants from the soil and separate them? As I've said, I just bought the plants so I'm thinking twice if I'll touch them already.
By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
if the baby plant is too small, it can die if separated too quickly. as for your problem, you will get much better answers with a picture, so posting one would make answering this question alot easier.
By bigred
Posts:  204
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 1:13 am
Without a picture I'm assuming the small traps are rhizome divisions. If your plant has more than about 9 traps, then the rhizome has split and you will see tiny traps growing because they are new plants attached to the other. You will notice they are growing out radially from separate growth points.

As for leaves with no traps, I have noticed that one some of my plants. No idea what it is, just assuming it is due to low light because it has stopped happening.
By Nyxen
Posts:  68
Joined:  Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:27 pm
I too think that insufficient light is the cause for trapless leaves. Because of this you should slowly introduce the plant to sunlight, untill you can leave it in the sun the whole day.
By Nats
Posts:  718
Joined:  Fri May 13, 2011 1:53 pm
Not enough light also seems to turn tiny new traps black!!
At least, that's my experience.
The rest of the leaf will look great and healthy, only the little trap is totaly black!
By jamez
Posts:  702
Joined:  Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:26 am
bigred wrote:Without a picture I'm assuming the small traps are rhizome divisions. If your plant has more than about 9 traps, then the rhizome has split and you will see tiny traps growing because they are new plants attached to the other. You will notice they are growing out radially from separate growth points.
That is not necessarily true. I have plants with 12,15, and even one with 20 leaves. None have multiple growth points.
By bigred
Posts:  204
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 1:13 am
It could still be a rhizome division. I noticed that when you do a leaf pulling you get that spot of growth and the same thing happens to regular plant rhizomes is that little spots of growth seem to show up. If you uproot the plant it *might* still be splitting up, just that it still appears to be growing from one point.
Hello again from Florida


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