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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By JRyswim2014
Posts:  5
Joined:  Tue May 10, 2011 2:19 am
i tried to feed a trap a small cut up worm, the worm was wiggling around and everything, but the trap would not budge at all! I even tried touching th hairs myself, still would not shut! why is this???
By chriscanivorous
Posts:  104
Joined:  Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:51 pm
maybes the trap is old
By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
Joined:  Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:27 pm
Poorly cared for plants, or old traps which have eaten more than 2 or 3 times won't close over prey.

If you wait for a new trap to grow, that one should be active, if it isn't, you'll need to improve your care for the plant.
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By stitz25b
Posts:  2247
Joined:  Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:10 am
what are your conditions for the plant?
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By Steve_D
Posts:  3913
Joined:  Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:06 pm
There are quite a few reasons why a trap won't close, but it's usually nothing to worry about. The leaf continues to photosynthesize and provide food for the plant in that way even if the trap has already closed its maximum number of times or has been "sprung" (stays in the open position) by having dried out too much at some point, possibly damaging the sensitive trigger hairs.

The one thing to worry about is whether the trap won't close because of mineral salt overdose. If you're using pure water (distilled, rainwater or reverse osmosis water) and the growing medium is known to be very low in TDS (adds very little to the total dissolved solids in the water within it), then a trap that won't close is probably nothing to worry about.
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
We'll need some more info on how you grow your plant but Steve has the main reasons already said.

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