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By Rocko Bonaparte
Posts:  74
Joined:  Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:23 am
You should look into Knudson media particularly for propagating orchids:

While working out why my own procedures for carnivorous plant TC is not working well, I decided to switch from MS to Knudson. I have been working more outside in the garden than doing any microprop so I haven't tried Knudson yet for carnivorous plants. However, you can see on these forums here some people using that medium to good effect even for carnivorous plants. In particular, it isn't so crazy on the nitrogen as MS. Orchids are epiphytic, which means they grown upon other plants. Generally then their nutritional needs are much lower.
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By Dionae
Posts:  4300
Joined:  Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:03 am
OMG cpfanatic....i'm a lil overwhelmed by your site. Any links to threads directly related to growing cattleyas? I did a search but its mostly people showing their flowers. I need a how to thread:p.

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