FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By afh928
Posts:  981
Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:13 am
You can find plastic trays of different sizes at most anywhere you can find garden/landscape supplies, and theyre usually pretty cheap...really cheap actually. You can use just about anything that will allow the water to get to the media, as long as the pot fits on it with room left over to hold water.

Thanks for the response. So could I just separate […]

Using a TDS meter to measure the rinse-through w[…]

I used the Aqualife RO Buddie for years until I […]

Time for a repot?

Believe it or not, here in Newfoundland, Canada it[…]


Welcome! As the cause for a friend of mine's new p[…]

Spider Mites?

I found this on one of my VFTs, and have not seen […]

Me? I probably don't, just a spidermite issue, b[…]

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