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By Hungry_I
Posts:  2
Joined:  Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:46 pm

Newbie here. I've never grown any carnies from seeds so thought I'd try after reading much about it BUT reading isn't doing. I appreciate any of your tips on growing VFT seeds, send them my way :D

I bought 60 VFT seeds from the flytrapstore and I planted about 10 seeds so far in early December - fingers crossed they'll grow.

They're on LFS moss, indoors, water TDS: 0 ppm, and strong grow LED lights: 100W.
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By Intheswamp
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I'm no guru, especially on flytraps, but... :)

I'd plant a few more seeds. At least maybe ten or fifteen or twenty. Flytraps do grow *slowly* and you most likely aren't going to get 100% germination. Also, some seedlings will just...croak...on you. Why not plant more seeds, maybe a total of half of them so the odds of getting several adults over the next couple of years will be better? You can save the other half of the seeds for "insurance" in case something happens to the first batch. And, if the first batch does good you can always come behind it with a second batch. It sounds like you've done you homework on providing good conditions for germination. Just be sure they stay moist. Fresh air exchange is good to have...if they're uncovered they're getting the exchange they need...if you have them covered to raise the humidity then opening the dome a few times a day is good as is putting holes in it. Once they start germinating I would (personally) remove the dome to help thwart mold, mildew, and fungus. What temperature are they germinating in? ....78-90F is often mentioned as a good temperature range.

Looks like you're on your way! Best wishes!
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By Hungry_I
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Joined:  Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:46 pm
:D Thanks for all your great advice!! And yep, they're in a large grow cabinet, uncovered, and have free air exchange. I'll start planting more over the Christmas weekend lol. I think I'm gonna plant them on fine sifted peat moss for this next batch of VFT seeds instead of the LFS moss and experiment which ones will germinate first or grow faster. They'll all be in the same growing condition on the cabinet shelf with the LED lights. Temps are around 80F during day and 72/68 F at night.

Do you have any VFTs or planted any seeds? What other carnies do you have?
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By MikeB
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Hungry_I wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:50 am I think I'm gonna plant them on fine sifted peat moss for this next batch of VFT seeds instead of the LFS moss and experiment which ones will germinate first or grow faster.
With mine, I fill a pot with my regular carnivorous plant soil, put a thin layer of LFS on top, scatter the seeds across the pot, then water them in. The seeds settle into the nooks and crannies, and the moss helps keep them damp. With fresh seed, they start sprouting in 2 weeks.
Hungry_I wrote: They'll all be in the same growing condition on the cabinet shelf with the LED lights. Temps are around 80F during day and 72/68 F at night.
Warm, humid, and damp encourages germination. If the seeds are over 6 months old, I recommend soaking them in low-mineral water for a few days to get rehydrated before sowing.

I live just southeast of Raleigh, North Carolina. If you want fresh seed from a variety of cultivars, I'll have a bunch by late June.
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By Intheswamp
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Howdy HI. I’ve grown some flytraps from. Be prepared for a sloooow growth. Sundews grow much faster. But, with patience and good conditions you can have a small forest of flytraps growing. You might want to get an already growing trap to work with over the next couple of years while your seedlings grow. ;)

I’ve got a mix of the more common plants….pitchers, flytraps, sundews, and a single nepenthe. I’ve got more sundews than anything…for some reason I gravitate more to them than to the others. Check the seed bank out. At the bottom of the inventory list are instructions on how to request seed’s. Also, check out the “bonus” seeds that you can get in addition to the regular request.
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By StephenB200+
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Mine just sprung up in their parent’s pots on their own. My two year old seedlings (soon to be going into their third year) are still quite small. I am hoping once they get a little bigger and more adult sized they will show off their attributes. They are the offspring of B52, Bimbos and Polish Draculas all from the Flytrap Store.

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