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By ChefDean
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I'd like to thank Intheswamp for his initial donation. He has donated ten packs of D. capillaris (Butler Co., AL).
I can personally attest that these seeds are viable as I was sent some to be a tester. So far I know that they've been successfully germinated in New York (NEW YORK CITY!!! get a rope!), Tennessee, and Alabama. Mine started out green, but slowly turned red in the sun. They are also petty heat tolerant. Intheswamp and I both had temps hitting triple digits, and these plants didn't miss a beat. So I would suggest a warm germination abd warm temps, but that's my experience. Come to think of it, that's been my experience with all capillaris that I've grown. Weird.
Intheswamp, thank you for your generosity.
These seeds are immediately available to all eligible members.
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By Intheswamp
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They are giants, a bit on the wee size and under good light will indeed redden up nicely. They do like it hot, but also good and moist...bright light, too! Give'em what they want and they'll be sparkling little jewels covered in sticky snot. A few weeks ago I checked on mine and a coon had gotten in through a screened window. and two of these capillaris had that raccoon covered in snot to the point it couldn't move...lucky for that coon I came by to free him from his sticky situation...he was a sure goner!!!!! :mrgreen:
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By Panman
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LOL. You can certainly spin a tall tale! I remember back years ago, reading that in the wild byblis (I think it was byblis) could grow in thick hedges that were capable of trapping small rabbits.
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By Intheswamp
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"Spin a tall tale"????!!!!!! I wouldn't do no such thing! But, you're right...I think that old coon might have gotten away eventually, by hisself...he had the scars where he'd got out a couple of traps in the past so he was smart about getting away from things. The coyote that was in another pot of the capis didn't have a chance, to him too late. :(
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By evenwind
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Y'know, I read that Davey Crockett himself raised CPs and he didn't actually shoot the 'Coon that became his hat...
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By evenwind
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And BTW, the capis that germinated in NY did NOT germinate in NYC. Long Island and NYC are totally different worlds. They even check passports when heading into the City on the LIRR.
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By Intheswamp
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I've heard the stories about Davy's hat, I'd forgotten about that, though. Thanks for the reminder!!!

Besides passports I understand they check vaccination records, too.
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By Panman
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evenwind wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:10 pm And BTW, the capis that germinated in NY did NOT germinate in NYC. Long Island and NYC are totally different worlds. They even check passports when heading into the City on the LIRR.
I didn't realize you were from Lon Gisland. I grew up in Jersey, across from the city. My brother-in-law is from Long Island but I can never remember what town. I think he and my sister went to Stony Brook University.
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By evenwind
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I went to Stony Brook the first year it opened. One dorm, 3 completed buildings, ankle deep mud if you stepped off a path and the ever present smell of growing cabbages (similiar to the stink they put off when boiled - but worse) . Transferred out after one year.
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By evenwind
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Can you think of a better reason?
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By Intheswamp
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I love a good batch of cabbage!!! :lol: Little green onions...not so much, though. Long story...short version...big mess of cabbage with little green onions. I almost died. Super colossal gastro catastrophe of epic proportions!!! Didn't go to the ER because I wanted to die! Survived it (some how). Haven't eaten little green onions in forty years!!!! :shock: :?

It's possible that I might have actually died and came back to life. Little green onions. BAD. BAD. BAD. I kinda felt like I was gonna be like this whale (don't look while eating sushi)...
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By ChefDean
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Y'all don't know what you're missing!
Homemade Cole Slaw, Sauerkraut, Sweet and Sour Cabbage, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Braised Cabbage, Sautéed Cabbage, Polish Cabbage Rolls, Kim Chi,... I could go on and on.
Oh, and all of the above are great with the addition of green onions.
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By Intheswamp
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All of that sounds *tasty*!!! Even down to the kimchi. But then you had to mess it up with those green spears from the land of gastro nightmares!!!!
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By Panman
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I love kimchi. I also can't stand it. The last time I had it, I got a horrible stomach virus. It was ugly. As much as I know the two weren't related, I can't bring myself to eat it. My wife and daughter, however, are thrilled because they can't stand the smell of the stuff.
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