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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By andynorth
Posts:  1658
Joined:  Fri May 12, 2023 9:08 pm
I am stumped. I have tried everything I can think of and can not seem to get my soil to the correct acidic level. I have tried sphagnum peat moss, peat moss, PH down, etc. I bought pre made CP soil. Nothing seems to get my soil to the correct acidic level. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I do not know if this is the cause of the decline in health in my VFT's or not. I have a Nepenthes Gaya that thrives in it but nothing else wants to grow well.
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By Panman
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You don't give us much to go on. What plants aren't growing well and what soil are they in. How long were they in that soil before you decided they weren't doing well? What is the source of the soil? What is the pH and what are you trying to get it to? Personally, I have never measured the pH of soil, and it has never been an issue.
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By andynorth
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I am using a mix of perlite, LFSM and peat moss with equal amounts of each. I have sarracenia's and a Nepenthes Gaya that are thriving. However, my VFT's and Nepenthes Bill Bailey are doing nothing. They are just there. No new growth at all. I am considering a move from peat to coco choir but need to fix this issue first. My PH level for all is quite high, normally around 9 or so. I just ordered more peat moss as I read it helps with acidity.
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By steve booth
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PH 9 is deadly, you should be seeing mineral burn on the plants. I would suggest either your meter (if indeed you are using a meter) is broken or the medium has been heavily contaminated in some way. I have peat that is years old and it is still PH 5. The mix you suggest is good, and it should, apart from the perlite (its not miracle grow is it?) all be acidic so how you are getting PH9 is a mystery to me.
If you have some Sphagnum plant them in that, even better if its live Sphagnum as it will acidify itself.
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By Intheswamp
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Unless you are contaminating your grow mix with something...part of the grow-mix, water, container, water tray, etc., it is difficult to imagine how it could be attaining a reading of 9pH. I would question the testing equipment and/or method. Get some distilled water and check its should be neutral.
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