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By andynorth
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This may seem to be a stupid question as I think I know the answer so I guess I am just looking for clarification. Is the moss that naturally grows in the peat moss along with VFT's, Sarrs and Drosera LFSM or is it some other naturally occurring moss? I ask because the moss that is growing in my pots that have little to no LFSM seems a bit different than the natural moss that grows on the LFSM. Kind of hard to see in photos but the moss on the right is little to no LFSM mix from 2 different pots and on the left is 1:1 Peat/LFSM.
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By BumpyEvergreen
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Yeah you'd be right, they are two different moss types the one on the right is one that I see in all carnivorous plants that I get from stores that use peat. It probably occurs naturally with the peat that is harvested, I believe it is a "star moss" could be wrong though. The one on the left looks like you got actual lfsm growing.
Here is where my spag started growing.
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It is pretty small and withered since it has not been fed and has been in low light, it is a hundred percent spag though as I can trace the small portions back to where they were bigger and an extension of the fiber.

star moss
star moss.png
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By steve booth
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Left side is Sphagnum and right is 'sheet moss' and of little use to carnivorous plants, unless yu like it as a top dressing.
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By andynorth
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steve booth wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:57 am Left side is Sphagnum and right is 'sheet moss' and of little use to carnivorous plants, unless yu like it as a top dressing.
Thank you. I have been pulling it as I go and replacing with LFSM. That seems to catch on and come back alive, especially while dormant. My VFT's grow in all LFSM. It came to life and was choking them out so I cleaned it from the rhizome. I have a couple that were in LFSM when I got them and they are doing great.
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By steve booth
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Hi Andy
steve booth wrote:I have a couple that were in LFSM when I got them and they are doing great.
Yes, indeed they do, I grow many in live Sphagnum and they do look to grow better that in my peat mixes. I find the live Sphagnum very useful for plants that are failing a bit, or where I have had rot and I had to cut most/all the rhizome off, it does have antiseptic qualities.
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By Intheswamp
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Live sphagnum, or freshly harvested sphagnum was used here in the states during the civil war as a wound dressing. As recent as WWI it was used as a wound dressing, also. Live sphagnum is good stuff with excellent results when used with carnivorous plants. I feel that leaf cuttings *really* do well in it.
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