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By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
Is anyone a huge fan of Metallica like me?
I'm going to the show April 23rd it's the entire Big 4... :D I'll be viewing from VIP :mrgreen:

Anyone here going, or planning on going, or a huge Met fan?
By Aging_Bourbon
Posts:  2799
Joined:  Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:14 pm
dantt99 wrote:s anyone a huge fan of Metallica like me?
I'm going to the show April 23rd it's the entire Big 4... I'll be viewing from VIP

Anyone here going, or planning on going, or a huge Met fan?

I like the old school Metallica before they sold out. But I'm more of a Death Metal fan, haha but I do enjoy the Metallica. But overall I'm a HUGE Slayer fan! \m/
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By stitz25b
Posts:  2247
Joined:  Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:10 am
master of puppets and im pulling the strings
metallica ftw!
By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
Okay a couple of fans :D

I do like the old stuff a ton better Allen but Death Magnetic is great! :D I'm looking most forward to Metallica and Megadeth, but I'm sure Slayer will be great too! :D I've never even heard of the band Anthrax until now, just the disease :lol:
stitz, that's my favorite Metallica album! But my favorite song has gotta be Welcome Home (Sanitarium) LEAVE ME THE @#$& ALONE! :lol:


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