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By Ewreck
Posts:  305
Joined:  Sun May 09, 2021 3:05 am
I just mixed my first gallon of maxsea and I didn’t have a 1/4 tsp only a 1/2. So I just eye balled half of the 1/2 tsp and I checked the PPM and it is 59. Is this good?
How many PPMs should I be at for the 1/4 tsp?
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By NightRaider
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There's quite a bit of variation on how much Maxsea people actually use anyway; it's not like anything above 1/4tsp a gallon will kill your plants. 1/4tsp is just one of the most commonly cited dilutions to use, but I know a good number of people use or have used 1/2tsp or even more without issues. For example, the "Maxsea = MaxROIDS" thread on the sarracenia forums references using 1tsp/gal (though granted, for filling sarracenia pitchers rather than a general foliar feed). And personally, I'm really not sold on how much ppm specifically matters for Maxsea anyway since it's generally used as a foliar feed and not poured into the roots (which I'd expect probably would damage your stuff even if it was a "safe" ppm). Anyway, obviously the actual safe limit depends on how you're using it, how often, how much, and how sensitive the plants are among other things, so a small variation in an already light dilution generally won't make a difference all other things being the same.
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By MikeB
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NightRaider wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:44 am And personally, I'm really not sold on how much ppm specifically matters for Maxsea anyway since it's generally used as a foliar feed and not poured into the roots (which I'd expect probably would damage your stuff even if it was a "safe" ppm).
With my Sarracenia seedlings, I give the soil at the base of each plant a squirt of Maxsea (1/4 teaspoon per gallon) once a month during the growing season. It doesn't harm the plants, and it has a big impact on their growth. When the seedlings get big enough, I stop spraying the soil and fill one pitcher per plant with the diluted Maxsea instead.
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By NightRaider
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That's interesting and good to know for future reference. Now that you mention it, that reminds me I did read something before about soil fertilizing with osmocote, maybe when I was looking into regias, I'd just totally forgotten about it. In my defense though I was mostly thinking about Dionaea and Drosera when I wrote that, so I probably did generalize a bit too much.

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