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By DroseraFan
Posts:  24
Joined:  Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:52 pm

you can buy also a 105macro of sigma they are also very good, you can find some testson the web i have 2 of them
an old one for carnivorous plants and a new one with stabilization for picture of plants and insects in nature. Am very satisfy ofthem

By riveraXVX
Posts:  1099
Joined:  Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:29 am
Branmuffin wrote:
nimbulan wrote:The general recommendation I've heard is to not bother with macro lenses less than 100mm, and 200mm is ideal. If you're only planning on taking pictures of plants you could get away with less, though I think 40mm is probably still too short. Unfortunately the price increases rapidly with focal length and they get quite expensive - that's why I ended up going the reverse ring / extension tube route.
Ya I read one review that says don't bother with the 40mm macro lens and just buy a 100mm but then another says the 40mm is basically amazing and everyone should own one. I'm sure it works fine, everyone had their own technique and a lot of people don't like being intimately close to get a shot and see it as useless. I think I will need to take the above advice and head down to the local camera shop and try out some glass to figure out what will work best.
also to add to this if its something you think you will get more into almost all the advice I got when buying ours was buy the longest focal length you can afford to, especially when choosing between the same brand but different lengths for my debate between the canon 60mm and 100mm the 60mm is great, but the 100mm is pretty well identical in all respects but... won't need to be as close so it does all of the above of the 60mm and .. then some.

down the road I will be selling and upgrading for sure but got a good deal on this one so happy with it for now! if you look around my posts I have a couple threads with shots testing and fooling around with it. just now got my tripod upgraded MAJORLY over what I had also going to be messing with more hopefully this week now!

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