FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

By GothicJackalPaws
Posts:  361
Joined:  Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:20 pm
Because squirrels had to go and maul the ones I'd had for five years.

Now I'm starting over with five tiny baby ones, fresh from the greenhouse. It's sad. I'm going to see if I can try to rescue whatever's remaining of the ones that were mauled. (I live between parents, and I'm starting collection over at Dad's instead of bringing them back to Mom's, where the original mauling happened. I had those plants buried up to their neck in rocks to protect them from the little buggers, and the squirrels still got them.)

I hope hope hope I'll get another or two from Duke Gardens Spring Sale. That's where one of my favorites came from. They have such amazing specimens there. ;~;

Anyway, about flowering stalks. My previous traps had flowers, every year. These delicate looking little white flowers. Every year, I didn't understand why the flowered, and I never cultured them. So now I'm starting over, and I'd like to know how to get those flowers to turn into seeds that I can start off in a pot. And if I can cross-breed them with some of the ones I hope to get from Duke Gardens.

Water Quality

I used to have a pool/spa at my house in CA. The m[…]

I'd def keep it. Sometimes plants (in general, not[…]

A 15-hour photoperiod is good, yes.

I too am wondering when to start the transition. I[…]

Watering my Venus Flytrap

OP lives in Poland.

Just let it be. Don't overthink it man. Worst that[…]

Get a magnifying glass 🔍

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