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By Intheswamp
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I've been having problems where images in posts either fail to load or it takes a very long time for them to load. It seems like endless moving dots. I have a *very* slow DSL connection (thank you Centurystink!) and I know some image files uploaded can be larger than needed. But,...

I just went to some websites that I haven't been to in a long time...few cached images, etc., to see how the images there loaded. eBay, Target, Newsweek, Texas Roadhouse,, etc., and had no problem loading images. Is something going on with the forum's image servers? I'm just asking as I've about pulled my hair out trying to figure out what's up. Most likely on my side for some reason, but just want to know if there is an issue going on so I can stop looking or keep on looking. ;)

Last edited by Intheswamp on Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Panman
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I'm on extremely slow DSL and have the same problem. If you look at the file size of some of the pictures they are upwards of 4MB which will take a bit. Put multiples of those in a post and they all try to download simultaneously.
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By Intheswamp
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What finally prompted my message was when I posted the image of the lovebugs. The moving dots just sat there for literally minutes when I hit “preview “. After message posted it still sat there with the moving dots…many more times I’ve had single image posts sit there spinning the dots. It’s probably my connection down here. It really is the pits…as low speed as you can get before resorting to pigeons.
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By Intheswamp
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Oh, and the love bug picture was well below a megabyte. :?:
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By Panman
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Intheswamp wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 4:11 pm Oh, and the love bug picture was well below a megabyte. :?:
That's the upload speed. That is going to be even slower than your download. Type speed test into Google and run the test.
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By Intheswamp
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Oh it worked (or didn't work) even after the message was posted. Your screen capture of your speed test even took far longer than it should have to download. Here's my dismal speed test results....
Speedtest09022022.jpg (50.64 KiB) Viewed 6027 times
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By Panman
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Welp, I'll stop complaining then. That would definitely do it. Especially if there is anything else happening on your network like streaming or Windows Updates.
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By Intheswamp
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But I’ve been living with these speeds for years. And, I go to other websites and have little problem with files in the 1meg range or smaller. :|
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By Intheswamp
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I got up this morning to the same problem that I've been having...images not loading, dots spinning endlessly. For some reason, when the problem started, I picked this thread and the three images in the original post to use to monitor my problem of images not loading. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because each image file is over two megabytes in size and with my lowly <3Mbps DSL connection...well, you get the point.

Anyhow, as I was slobbering into my coffee this morning I pulled the forum up on my old iPhone 6s+ and the images in the thread appeared nicely (as had happened in the past). I went through Chrome from top to bottom to see if I had something "turned on" or "turned off" that should be set the opposite but didn't find anything. *Then* I decided to load my old copy of Mozilla Firefox up and see what happened. SHAZAMMM!!!!....the images in the test thread loaded. They were kind of slow to load, but again they are somewhat large and my DSL is *very* slow!!!!

So, what does a simpleton like me do? Of course I went outside and started looking for the NSA drone that was jamming my incoming image stream!!!! Nope, didn't see the drone. Next I looked toward the west to see if the smoke signals coming from the Centurystink guy in charge of sending smoke signals my way were still there...I didn't see them, he's probably drunk again. So finally, as a really, really wild shot I decided to update the version of Chrome on my desktop computer. I went through the download/update process, rebooted the computer, restarted Chrome, opened the thread back up and lo'and behold...the images wouldn't load up. ....nah, just kiddin' :mrgreen: they slowly loaded up! Problem solved!!!! I can see pictures again!!!! :D

I've got some fresh #4 shot and think I'll sit around the backyard this afternoon and listen for electric motors whirring overhead...I still don't see the smoke signals...maybe the drone took out the smoke-blanket guy. :cry: It's Labor Day and I need some cheap entertainment!!!! 8-) "Who? Me, officer? Certainly not!!!" :o 8-)
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By Intheswamp
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It is still kind of odd why the problem only arose while here on the forum, though. Odd. But, it's fixed and I'm happy. (Is that the whir of tiny propellers I hear...gotta go!!!!)
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By Intheswamp
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Meh, well I thought it was solved. Seems to have gone back to spinning dots again. I've tried everything. Looks like a text-based forum for me unless I use my cell phone. :( :|
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By Intheswamp
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Whatever image you posted (speed test results, maybe?) is still spinning the dots as I type this. What is interesting is that I went to two forums that I haven't been to in a long and Both are photography forums and are *very* heavy with high resolution images and lots of them. Images there (full size, not thumbnails) loaded without hesitation. I know I've lived with slow Internet speeds but I also know that images low decently fast. I also know that here on that when I first joined the forum I had no problem with the images is a problem that has showed up over the last month or so. Why it's just this forum/website I have no idea...everywhere else I go the images seem to load fine.

I'm pretty well convinced it isn't my Internet speed that is the problem.

Btw, the dots are still spinning on your image. :|
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By Intheswamp
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Interesting. I flipped over to full editor mode just before submitting my message above. I scrolled down as my message was posting and caught just a glimpse of your image. It seemed the "history" panel revealed the image. with my message above posted your image is back to the spinning dots. Weird.

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