FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US

Moderator: Matt

By bombsboy
Posts:  584
Joined:  Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:57 am
Hey fellows, long time no see!
With winter coming along, I thought I would re-ignite my collection!
As of now, I don't have much, just a few Nepenthes viking and Cobra lilly in TC and a TON of seeds of both. I could sell/ Hopefully grab a trade.
I have a few sundew seeds and one cephalotus that I may get rid of.
I am looking to begin a new collection, as I literally sold an entire greenhouse full of stuff that was so random, I decided to focus on one type of carnivorous plants rather then collect from all the families, although I will probably end up collecting from all the families again, and end up with a jungle in my greenhouse once again.

Now, I am looking for any surplus VFT you guys may own, a few typical, but mostly cultivars. It would be nice if you can accept cash, or maybe something from above may interest you. Check my signature, I might still have a plant or two to give from that.
Thanks folks!
By jrj88
Posts:  33
Joined:  Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:18 pm
Is your Ceph. still available for trade and if so, what size is it?

By bombsboy
Posts:  584
Joined:  Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:57 am
jrj88 wrote:Is your Ceph. still available for trade and if so, what size is it?

It is quite small, around the same size you would normally see them for sale. Um the trap size is around the size of an erasure on the tip of a standard pencil.
By bombsboy
Posts:  584
Joined:  Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:57 am
Dubstep13 wrote:where in OC are you from?
Oh your in San Clem... Im in Orange, to be more specific, the border of Orange and Villa park!
Nice to meet you :)
Man... Used to have an entire greenhouse o stuff, cant really invite you over for a tour anymore :/
By chtripp
Posts:  254
Joined:  Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:43 pm
I have plenty of B52xB52 seed grown fly traps along with a few red typicals and maybe a fused tooth for trade if you are interested.
By bombsboy
Posts:  584
Joined:  Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:57 am
chtripp wrote:I have plenty of B52xB52 seed grown fly traps along with a few red typicals and maybe a fused tooth for trade if you are interested.
I would be much interested! Thanks for the offer :)
By bombsboy
Posts:  584
Joined:  Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:57 am
Dubstep13 wrote:dude update your Growlist it looks like you still have alot of plants bro but u make it sound like you lost everything! i just checked
Well I didnt loose everything, I sold everything!
By WaSundew
Posts:  226
Joined:  Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:30 pm
Do you still have D. Californica for trade?
I might trade you it for a couple hundred S. Purpurea seeds... PM me if interested
Help! My VFT is dying

So i can keep all vft outside 24/7 in zone 6?

St. Patrick’s Beard

Hasn’t made a normal trap in FOREVERR, can f[…]

FTS Archangel



Amazing as always, wish it had color though ;)

GJ Goliath

Let’s try this again.

Korean Melody Shark


Sounds like it should be about the same thing. M[…]

SASE received. Order is fulfilled. Return envelope[…]

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