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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

Moderator: Matt

By garg2023456
There are various ways to water plants in the rainy Season first use Organic manure to make soil water holding capacity denser and ad water in regular intervals so that the water has more solid content in the water and plant and sip the water fastly and the plant can grow faster and faster
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By Intheswamp
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Administrators...please don't delete this message. I know it's bogus and wrong and etc but it sure is a good example of "artificial intelligence". :mrgreen:
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By ChefDean
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:17 pm Administrators...please don't delete this message. I know it's bogus and wrong and etc but it sure is a good example of "artificial intelligence". :mrgreen:
I booted the bot and disabled the link, but left the post for educational purposes.
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By Intheswamp
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I didn’t see the link. Had you already put your boot in the bot’s….uh, you already handled it before I posted? :mrgreen:
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By ChefDean
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Perhaps. We're fast and stealthy, the ninjas of the carny plant forum.
Most of the bots, spammers, scammers, trolls, Karens, and the other unsavory characters typically come in overnight, so I drink my morning coffee while I clean up the forum. I'm usually up at about 4:30, because the day is half over by the time normal people get up, but Shadowtski or Matt often get to them before me.
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By sans
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Spam is ok on the side with toast
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By ChefDean
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:17 pm Administrators...please don't delete this message. I know it's bogus and wrong and etc but it sure is a good example of "artificial intelligence". :mrgreen:
Funny you should mention AI because we (Admins) have been recently barraged with suspected AI posts that pass muster at first, second, and sometimes third glance. On topic, spelling correct, grammar correct, no obvious sign of impropriety. But if we look deeper, maybe our Spidey-Sense was tingling, we can many times find the signs of nefarious activity.
Maybe they're AI bots, maybe they're real people that are actually doing a little research so they don't seem to be Spammy McSpamface, we're not sure. But, what we are sure of, is that you sure can rest assured that the sure-footed Admins are surely on the job to assuredly make your experience here a surefire pleasant one.
Keep being sure-rrific!
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By Intheswamp
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The first giveaway for me was...the title: "HOW TO WATER PLANTS IN RAINY SEASON?". I think (another) one of those cogged wheels broke a tooth in my brain when I read that. :lol:
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By andynorth
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Since I live in the Northwest I was thinking they were actually trying to give advice. We don't dare leave indoor plants outside in winter as they will get water logged. Also, before I brought my plants back in this year I had a couple of my Neps get root rot because it rained too much.
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By MikeB
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andynorth wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:42 pm Since I live in the Northwest I was thinking they were actually trying to give advice. We don't dare leave indoor plants outside in winter as they will get water logged.
Years ago, I had a business trip to Portland, Oregon in late February. All I can say is "wow".
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By Intheswamp
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I hear it rains over there in Oregon sometimes. Must be something to that, huh? :mrgreen:

I wonder if a fast draining grow mix and no water tray would allow them to survive. It seems they would like the humidity.

I think I misspoke about the title being by clue to it being phoney. I think it was the "first use Organic manure" part. It went downhill faster after that initial statement.

I can see how the subject title would be attractive to you, Andy. Maybe it could be the topic of a *real* thread? Of course, when your toes start growing webs between them all bets are off!!! ;)
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