FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By gar1948
Posts:  19
Joined:  Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:41 am
Just signed on to this forum. I had venus flytraps many years ago but really a total novice. I have a small plastic greenhouse 6"x6"x6"x6" and about 7" high. What would be good choices for flytraps and maybe sundew. I imagine pitcher plants are too tall unless there are some dwarf versions? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Hello and welcome to flytrapcare!

Here's a popular, inexpensive greenhouse ... 858&sr=8-1

And there are pitcher plants that would fit just fine in a greenhouse like that. Something like a nepenthes pitcher plant could work :)
By gar1948
Posts:  19
Joined:  Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:41 am
Thank you for the suggestion but I would like to keep this very small. What would fit in a small plastic greenhouse and what plants would do fine in a home with grow lights.
By garz
Posts:  92
Joined:  Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:21 am
Welcome to the forum, gar. I am also GARz. ;)

and yeah, for 40 bucks that's a great little greenhouse that pieguy linked. If I had the space for something like that in my apt. I'd be all over that one!
Nepenthes pictures!

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bog garden

you could go to Lowe's instead and get BetterGr[…]

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Should I just leave them be?

I have these Bohemian Garnet's and a yet to be id'[…]

U. bisquamata


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