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Discussions about fluorescent, LED and other types of grow lighting for Venus Flytraps and other plants

Moderator: Matt

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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
Ok, I've mentioned these before. They're LED garage lights with three little tiltable (outward) panels. I've had them over the top shelf of my plant stand for a year or three and I've been very pleased with them. Though not NASA quality results, some testing with my iPhone and Photone gave me these measurements: At 12" 365-PPFD and 16-DLI and at 6" 755-PPFD and 27-DLI. Not too shabby. :D

They're sold at Costco. I was there yesterday and they have them on sale for $23 (or $24?) for a pair of them...less than $12 a piece. I did have to deal with warranty on one of the ones I had bought...Global Value Lighting was quick to send a replacement when one panel on a lamp went out...I've still got the bad light and can still use it but has only two lit panels. :) These will easily cover what a Yescom 225 (on backorder) will cover....actually these 3-panel jobs burn 80w compared to Yescom's white burning 22w. These are *BRIGHT*, but they also run warmer so be aware of that!!! They also require more "headroom" than a regular square panel LED....maybe a total of 3-inches thick so if putting *between* shelves it might take up more space than you would want it to...or not. ;) And, of course, they're made in China. :roll:

My plants seem to really appreciate them. Capillaris and brevifolia grow wonderfully probably 16" below these. Capes sitting a foot+ away are covered in dew. Some small flytraps I have seem to have enjoyed being beneath them. Etc., etc.,...

I've seen these listing elsewhere but for several dollars more than what Costco is selling them for. Anyhow, I just wanted to chunk this out there in case someone is looking for a couple of inexpensive lights or maybe just a "backup" light. ;)
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