- Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:10 pm
This post serves as both a forum tutorial and a list of rules. Please be aware that these rules may change at any time and all members should be aware of the current rules and abide by them when using the forums.
This website, the forum and the community are all subsidized by the FlytrapStore. Please respect this fact and do not make solicitous posts or advertise products from other stores or websites on this forum. Any posts that are deemed to be advertising or solicitous will be deleted. This includes linking to any US-based carnivorous plant store in your signature. If you wish to advertise, there are ad spaces on most pages of the site that can be purchase through Google Adwords.
1. Posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise offensive is forbidden.
2. Personal attacks, rudeness, "flame wars", and insults to others will not be tolerated. It is acceptable to challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Any member who threatens anyone on the forum, via private message, email, or other means will be banned immediately and without notice.
3. Please do not post the same topic in more than one forum and consider an appropriate forum before posting your question.
4. Please use the Feedback Forum for forum related questions. Private Messages should only be used for issues that cannot be discussed in the public forums.
5. Advertising for other vendors or commercial selling is not allowed in the forums. More can be read about this here: No Soliciting. This includes linking to or making solicitous posts for other carnivorous plant vendors. It is acceptable to mention where you purchased a plant, but linking to them is not. There is a forum dedicated to discussing other vendors and any posts about them should be made there. Solicitous posts in any form are not allowed anywhere on the site. If you wish to advertise on the forum, please contact matt@flytrapcare.com for details.
6. Spamming members via Private Message will result in permanent banning. This includes indiscriminately messaging other people with links to other forums, vendors, etc.
1. Banner images in signatures must be more than 100 pixels tall, and standard images no more than 150 pixels tall.
2. Animated content is not allowed in signatures.
3. [youtube] tags are also not allowed in signatures; if you want to put a youtube video in your signature, use the tag. 4. Overly-formatted text in signa ... are forums
Excellent post made by moderator Grey listing reasons to add your location information: Location, Location, Location
Another excellent post made by moderator Grey explainig why posts are moved or deleted: Why Was My Post/Topic Deleted?
Anyone breaking the forum rules will have their post edited or deleted and may be contacted by a moderator who will ask you to stop the behavior. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be warned, temporarily suspended from posting, or permanently banned. There is generally a “three strikes you’re out” policy. If you can’t conduct yourself in a decent manner after three warnings, you will be banned from this site. The site owner, along with the moderators, will make the determination of the severity an offense and the appropriate penalty. Severe offenses may result in immediate and permanent banning.
By becoming a member of FlytrapCare.com, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change and a current version is always available in the forums. Members are asked to follow these rules in order that we maintain the existing high standards on the forum and keep it a friendly place for everyone to visit and participate.
Thanks and Happy Posting and Growing!
The FlytrapCare Forum Staff
This website, the forum and the community are all subsidized by the FlytrapStore. Please respect this fact and do not make solicitous posts or advertise products from other stores or websites on this forum. Any posts that are deemed to be advertising or solicitous will be deleted. This includes linking to any US-based carnivorous plant store in your signature. If you wish to advertise, there are ad spaces on most pages of the site that can be purchase through Google Adwords.
1. Posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise offensive is forbidden.
2. Personal attacks, rudeness, "flame wars", and insults to others will not be tolerated. It is acceptable to challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Any member who threatens anyone on the forum, via private message, email, or other means will be banned immediately and without notice.
3. Please do not post the same topic in more than one forum and consider an appropriate forum before posting your question.
4. Please use the Feedback Forum for forum related questions. Private Messages should only be used for issues that cannot be discussed in the public forums.
5. Advertising for other vendors or commercial selling is not allowed in the forums. More can be read about this here: No Soliciting. This includes linking to or making solicitous posts for other carnivorous plant vendors. It is acceptable to mention where you purchased a plant, but linking to them is not. There is a forum dedicated to discussing other vendors and any posts about them should be made there. Solicitous posts in any form are not allowed anywhere on the site. If you wish to advertise on the forum, please contact matt@flytrapcare.com for details.
6. Spamming members via Private Message will result in permanent banning. This includes indiscriminately messaging other people with links to other forums, vendors, etc.
1. Banner images in signatures must be more than 100 pixels tall, and standard images no more than 150 pixels tall.
2. Animated content is not allowed in signatures.
3. [youtube] tags are also not allowed in signatures; if you want to put a youtube video in your signature, use the tag. 4. Overly-formatted text in signa ... are forums
Excellent post made by moderator Grey listing reasons to add your location information: Location, Location, Location
Another excellent post made by moderator Grey explainig why posts are moved or deleted: Why Was My Post/Topic Deleted?
Anyone breaking the forum rules will have their post edited or deleted and may be contacted by a moderator who will ask you to stop the behavior. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be warned, temporarily suspended from posting, or permanently banned. There is generally a “three strikes you’re out” policy. If you can’t conduct yourself in a decent manner after three warnings, you will be banned from this site. The site owner, along with the moderators, will make the determination of the severity an offense and the appropriate penalty. Severe offenses may result in immediate and permanent banning.
By becoming a member of FlytrapCare.com, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change and a current version is always available in the forums. Members are asked to follow these rules in order that we maintain the existing high standards on the forum and keep it a friendly place for everyone to visit and participate.
Thanks and Happy Posting and Growing!
The FlytrapCare Forum Staff