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Discussions about fluorescent, LED and other types of grow lighting for Venus Flytraps and other plants

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By phil1984
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Hi everyone, I'm lmao trying to grow my own sphagnum moss under this 45watt led panel! Can I keep the light on 24/7 or not as I read somewhere on Google that it likes alot of light??

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By Tryner78
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Lights for my drosera, it seems to like it by how red it has turned (and incoming new growth) since being placed under it. The lights I got are 11w-14.5w rated, 1050- 1260 lumen daylight led's. Brand: ecosmart, sold at most home depots. They're pretty pricey, running over $25 a pair. In the specs I put in a range, which is because I found out I have actually bought two different pairs of lights! Here's my spat. It's unhappy due to non lighting reasons. Image


Visible in the second picture is my other main light type, a red/ blue LED type. It is a Taotronics 12W grow light. I use it for my sarracenia, as it is only maybe 3 inches tall right now.
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im looking to set up some Led lights to grow inside my VFT, Drosera Capensis e Sarracenia spp in the same area.

I´m looking for some pointers for specific characteristics of led lights i should use (colour, lumen and watts), and some suggestions you find important to the growing environment needed.

Are this ones ok? ... SwG-1ZwSZE
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By Shadowtski
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P A U L wrote:many of the links on the first page do not work...
The original post is dated 2011.

I'm sure some of those companies are out of business or have updated their websites sibce then.

That's one of the problems with forums, the links are only valid as long as the original site is unchanged.

To compare and contrast lighting systems, you're better dojng a fresh search or limiting your forum searches to posts kess than a year old.

LED technology is changing so fast that info a few years old is out of date.

Just my two cents worth.

Good growing,
By Trollzy1234
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Hi everyone,

I just recently bought two VFT plants and I'm concerned about the amount of light they're getting and the temperatures we're receiving right now. Here, in Vancouver it's super rainy and temperature get pretty low at times and so I'm afraid to place my VFTs outside. I've placed both plants at a south-facing windowsill in my house in the hopes of getting the most sunlight possible but I might need to resort to artificial lighting. I'm not looking for any tubes for terrariums, as I only have 2 plants and would like some recommendations on good CFL bulbs (and their specs) that I can use with my desk lamp.

Thanks in advance!
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By P A U L
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Trollzy1234 wrote:Hi everyone,

I just recently bought two VFT plants and I'm concerned about the amount of light they're getting and the temperatures we're receiving right now. Here, in Vancouver it's super rainy and temperature get pretty low at times and so I'm afraid to place my VFTs outside. I've placed both plants at a south-facing windowsill in my house in the hopes of getting the most sunlight possible but I might need to resort to artificial lighting. I'm not looking for any tubes for terrariums, as I only have 2 plants and would like some recommendations on good CFL bulbs (and their specs) that I can use with my desk lamp.

Thanks in advance!
I've been doing this for only several months, but after asking 20-thousand questions here this is what I ended up doing and has worked out well for me:

I live in Los Angeles. These are the first batch of plants that I bought for my newfound hobby. They are all growing very well indoors. They're at an east facing window. Because of the city buildings outside my window, that window receives about 3~4 hours of full sunlight during Spring/Summer mornings, and receiving 1~2 hours during winter. My lamps should be a lot closer to the plants but they are not. I did not want to install a 3rd lamp. The plant in the middle certainly receives the least amount of light but it is growing as expected. So my lighting seems to be working for me. Here are some pictures.

A far shot of my little ecosystem. There is a 20-ounce bottle of Coke there to give you a rough idea of the space.
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The octopus plants were 3 inches tall when I purchased them from Home Depot. I transplanted them (twice...they were not happy) and they are now 5~7 inches tall. Three new octopus plants also began growing out of nowhere and they're 1 inch tall.

My venus flytraps were dormant when I transplanted them. They had no traps. About 4~7 weeks ago all the venus started rapidly growing (grew larger traps and grew upright).

About a month ago, both my venus flytraps and octo plants started throwing up flower stalks...about a week ago they started throwing up a 2nd flower stalk. I only clipped the stalks from my venus flytraps because I don't want more venus flytraps.
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The venus flytrap here in the middle is Wally ( ... s-fly-trap). This was purchased from a fellow forum member, KategoricalKarnivore. When I received them, the entire plant + its soil + container was literally the size of two thumbs. The traps were smaller than half of a pinky finger nail. Now they are actively growing new traps the size of a 25-cent coin.
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The plant on the far left is lavender which requires full sun--maybe moreso than carnivorous plants. When I purchased them they were literally cut back to just twigs poking out of the dirt. They are sitting below the lamp reflector and have grown quite large. I'm still waiting for the purple flowers, but they are growing green very well.
  • IMG-9252.JPG
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By cryostasis
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I use this 40w for may seed germination to seedlings. It's around 6 to 7 inches away from the plant. ImageImageImageImage

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By sbob87
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#342935 ... 5184300106

Ive bought 4 panels from theLAShop. They have red blue, blue-white, just white , just blue and just red led' panels!

at just 22 watts They work well too. I moved my outdoor plants inside when I got these LED's. the blue-white was so bright it actually burned a few the plants. even though they were used to the direct sun. they have since adjusted and have awesome color now
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By Cross
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Any thoughts on these. One is a 600, the other 1k, just have to select the 1k on the same page. They were recommended to me. My plants exclusively grow inside now and probably next summer too. They all nearly died this summer, even with daily watering. So I'm going to try and see how they fare inside this summer. ... 5MZE&psc=1

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