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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By Intheswamp
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Reviving this wilted thread.... Well, we've had no rain to amount to anything for three or four (more?) weeks now. I'm not desperate for water for my plants but the yard grass and hayfields are browning out (a fall cutting is going to be sparse)...the elephant ears are basically dried tinder...pond water levels are dropping...etc.,. Even privet hedge is suffering! :mrgreen: Starting Wednesday we are going into a range of 40% and better chances of rain!!!!! Though not desperate for rain water it *will* be nice to top off some buckets and milk jugs! :D After the rain moves out the temperature looks like it will be dropping down around the 70F mark...and sunny!!! :D
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 8:28 pm I agree. It seems just as you said about the rain…it’s either feast or famine. 👍🏼

I need to figure out how to set up a 55 gallon…if my plants keep increasing I’ll need the storage capacity.
For 30 bucks you can't go wrong. I bought the black one. Going to hook a gutter to my tool shed and have that run to rain barrel. ... tails&th=1
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By Intheswamp
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I’ve got a couple of 55-gallon drums I figure I’ll try to use. Another rainy day project. :lol:
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By MikeB
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andynorth wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:59 pm For 30 bucks you can't go wrong. I bought the black one. Going to hook a gutter to my tool shed and have that run to rain barrel.
Just watch the water temperature in the summer. I have dark green rain barrels, and just a few hours of morning sun can heat the top 8 inches of water to 110°F. I have to stir the water in the barrel to mix in the lower layer and cool it down before use. The heat absorption will be even worse if the barrel's color is black.
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By andynorth
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I did not think of that. Maybe I will return and get the green one. Although the spigots are about 2/3 down and then right at the bottom so the top water will not be an issue. Our summers here are normally fairly mild with maybe 2 or 3 days at or above 100.
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By Intheswamp
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We got a really good rain yesterday. One of those that would make any old farmer smile. It was a slow, steady rain...basically starting the night before last and rained through most all of the day yesterday. In my limited rain-catching capacity I managed to collect around 30 gallons. Just got through filtering/pouring it all up...topped off one of my 32-gallon garbage cans, filled 16 milk jugs and have two 6 gallon buckets full. And, this rain was *NICE* water. I thought my TDS meter was screwed-up because 5 of 6 buckets were reading 0ppm and the other one 1ppm. So, I checked an old metal dog bowl we leave out for our Cujo cat that comes around when it feels like it and it was reading well above 50ppm (I never let the meter come to a final number or it would've been higher). I know the buckets ran over a good bit but it's been a long time (even with them running over) that I ended up with a TDS measurement of 0ppm. Cool!!!!! :D The forecasts was for rain on through Friday but it looks like they've changed it to no rain in the near forecast...and colder temperatures.
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By Intheswamp
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As a side note... It is interesting how you can almost tell by the sparkle and clarity of rain water whether it's going to be really good water or mediocre...this last water was sparkling!!! ;) :D
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By Panman
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We got a bunch of rain yesterday into today as well. A solid 17 hours and we're expecting another 8 this evening. They pasture really needed it. I lucked out with my water and don't have to collect rainwater, but I also don't need to top off the horses' water troughs for a couple of days.
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By Intheswamp
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Yeah, the grass and hayfields were in a world of hurt around here. The guys that hay the fields around me got messed up the first part of the year with the weather. They finally got a good cutting and was hoping for a late hasn't grown very much since they cut it and had browned out pretty bad. I wasn't really upset about my yard...slows the mowing down. :mrgreen: Looking out the window here I can see a green tint already showing up in less than a day! Everything seems more "alive" now. ;) ...and the yard grass will start back growing, too. :|
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By andynorth
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Panman wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:22 pm We got a bunch of rain yesterday into today as well. A solid 17 hours and we're expecting another 8 this evening. They pasture really needed it. I lucked out with my water and don't have to collect rainwater, but I also don't need to top off the horses' water troughs for a couple of days.
Wish we had it so hard!!! That's an average weekend around here. Had to pull the trays from under my planters so nothing gets root rot.
What follows 2 rainy days in Seattle?
Last edited by andynorth on Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By wcrosman
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Some rain here yesterday; frost tonight
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By Intheswamp
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Intheswamp wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:19 pm We got a really good rain yesterday. One of those that would make any old farmer smile. It was a slow, steady rain...basically starting the night before last and rained through most all of the day yesterday. In my limited rain-catching capacity I managed to collect around 30 gallons. Just got through filtering/pouring it all up...topped off one of my 32-gallon garbage cans, filled 16 milk jugs and have two 6 gallon buckets full. And, this rain was *NICE* water. I thought my TDS meter was screwed-up because 5 of 6 buckets were reading 0ppm and the other one 1ppm. So, I checked an old metal dog bowl we leave out for our Cujo cat that comes around when it feels like it and it was reading well above 50ppm (I never let the meter come to a final number or it would've been higher). I know the buckets ran over a good bit but it's been a long time (even with them running over) that I ended up with a TDS measurement of 0ppm. Cool!!!!! :D The forecasts was for rain on through Friday but it looks like they've changed it to no rain in the near forecast...and colder temperatures.
Wow. We're getting the first rain that we've had since the one above. Again it is a slow rain. It still needs to rain more as the buckets aren't running over, but the rain is really low TDS...1-2ppm. I put a medium sized cooler (8-10 gallons) beneath a valley run-off and it's spilling over...might have to slide a bucket over there. Usually the valley water is the dirtiest but this go round it is a really nice 1ppm. Interestingly there is little debris from the roof!!! Anyhow, so glad to see this rain for so many reason!!!! :D
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By andynorth
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I sure wish I could help all you southerners out. We have enough to go around a few times. I currently have roughly 25 bottles filled for use and an abundance in various containers awaiting more gallon containers. On top of that I have my 100 gallon rain barrel but that is just a drop in the bucket :D :D :D See what I did there?
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By Intheswamp
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Sounds like you’ve got a good stock, Andy. Some seasons it’s drought or drown around here. I jugged 20 gallons and have a five gallon bucket filled from this recent rain. More rain coming next week. I should be maxed up shortly. I really think I might be over doing it a bit. By my ciphering I probably have a three month supply. I hope I never need it! :? I’m a little concerned about next summer since I’ll have a few more plants, though, so I’ll probably be adding another bulk storage container. :)
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