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Moderator: Matt

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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Sorry for the delay on these. I was offline all day yesterday!

Without further dealy, the results of the Eighth FlytrapCare photo contest are in!

First place goes to "phant0mv87's Drosera capensis":
phant0mv87 lives in the US, so he'll receive a Dionaea muscipula 'Alien'!

In second place is "zsyxcbibi's Dionaea muscipula 'FTS Maroon Monster'":
zsyxcbibi resides in the US and will receive a Dionaea muscipula 'Scarlatine'!

Third place goes to "hollyhock's Dionaea muscipula "Long Red Fingers x DC XL"":
hollyhock resides in the US and will receive a Dionaea muscipula "Werewolf Spawn"!

What great photos!

All winners please email me ( the address you would like your prizes shipped to. Congratulations to all the winners!

A big thank you to all who participated and voted in the contest! There were many great photos and choosing just three of them to vote for was challenging!
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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
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taylerhill wrote:
Ericrud wrote:Congrats to the winners!

Is there any way to see more of the rankings of the contest? I'd love to see where I placed!
Me too!
I believe rankings have not been available in the past, as people could potentially get discouraged by where they placed. I may be mistaken about this though.

Regardless, congratulations to the winners! There were a lot of really good photos in this contest. :)
By sbrooks
Posts:  748
Joined:  Tue May 22, 2012 3:33 pm
Congratulations to the winners!
I understand not giving out total votes for everyone, but I am curious as to how many total votes were cast.
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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
katya_dog1 wrote:I believe rankings have not been available in the past, as people could potentially get discouraged by where they placed. I may be mistaken about this though.
That is correct. We only announce the top 3 finishers and don't reveal the rest of the results to save from any hurt feelings or discouragement.
sbrooks wrote:I understand not giving out total votes for everyone, but I am curious as to how many total votes were cast.
There were 89 total votes cast by 38 different forum members.

I really enjoyed all of the photos! I would like to do another contest later this summer, probably in September. It had been far too long since the last one!!!
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By taylerhill
Posts:  120
Joined:  Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:24 pm
Matt wrote:
katya_dog1 wrote:I believe rankings have not been available in the past, as people could potentially get discouraged by where they placed. I may be mistaken about this though.
That is correct. We only announce the top 3 finishers and don't reveal the rest of the results to save from any hurt feelings or discouragement.
sbrooks wrote:I understand not giving out total votes for everyone, but I am curious as to how many total votes were cast.
There were 89 total votes cast by 38 different forum members.

I really enjoyed all of the photos! I would like to do another contest later this summer, probably in September. It had been far too long since the last one!!!
I would definitely participate in the next one! I'll be working on new pictures until then!
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By hollyhock
Posts:  5663
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
I am so excited and thankful for everyone that voted for my plant photo.And to Matt and Leah for their generosity in sponsoring a great forum, a beautiful on line store, and a fun contest with fabulous prizes....
All of the photos were winners in my opinion :D
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By sbrooks
Posts:  748
Joined:  Tue May 22, 2012 3:33 pm
Matt wrote: There were 89 total votes cast by 38 different forum members.

I really enjoyed all of the photos! I would like to do another contest later this summer, probably in September. It had been far too long since the last one!!!
An autumn photo contest allows for excellent coloration on many CPs that may not display the same colors summer.

We definitely appreciate your willingness to do this, Matt, as well as your willingness to donate those "top shelf" cultivars!
sbrooks liked this

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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