FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Submit a photo to enter the contest or vote for your favorite photo submission

Moderator: Matt

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By Matt
Posts:  22528
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Hello FlytrapCare members,

The eighth FlytrapCare photo contest is about to begin! It has been far too long since we've run one and we're excited to finally do so again for the first time in several years!

The carnivorous plant photo contest will open for on submissions Wednesday, June 22nd. The rules are as follows:

Photo Contest Rules:
1. One carnivorous plant photo submission per user; your submission is final.
2. The photo must be no more than three months old and must be of a plant you own.
3. The photo can be of any species of carnivorous plant, but the plant species must be included with your post (although, i.e. "Sarracenia unknown hybrid" is acceptable). The make/model of camera that took the pic is not required, but should be included if known. Camera settings like exposure time, aperture setting and ISO setting would also be nice, but are not required.
4. The plant must have been in your possession for at least 3 months.
5. You must post your country of residence along with your submission.
6. Photo contest entrants must have a FlytrapCare "Joined" date of May 22, 2016 or earlier (some exceptions can be made).

Submissions can be made by uploading the photo directly to this forum (once the contest starts) or uploading the photo to the community portion of the site ( ... oader.html) and posting a link to them here.

Please upload your photos to the June/July 2016 FlytrapCare Photo Contest Official Submission Thread

The contest is open for submissions for 14 days, closing the evening of July 6th. After the contest closes for submissions, a poll will be made from all of the submitted photos and every forum member will have three votes for the photos that they like the best. Voting will be open for 10 days, starting the morning of the 7th and ending the morning of July 17th. Each person will be allowed to vote for up to three photos.

Winners will be announced shortly after the contest closes.

Now, for the part you've all been waiting for....the prizes! Top three finishers will receive prizes.

Photo Contest Prizes:

For winners in the US:
1st - Dionaea muscipula 'Alien'
2nd - Dionaea muscipula 'Scarlatine'
3rd - Dionaea muscipula "Werewolf Spawn"

For winners in the UK the prizes will be (thanks to Grey):
1st - Packet of 20 Sarracenia leucophylla seeds (Mobile Bay, Alabama), packet of 25 Drosera peltata var. foliosa seeds (Jamieson, Australia)
2nd - Packet of 50 Dionaea musciupla seeds (mix of different forms), packet of 20 Nepenthes maxima seeds (Maluku islands)
3rd - Packet of 50 Dionaea muscipula seeds (mix of different forms)

For winners in other countries, the prizes will be:
1st - Three packets of Dionaea seeds from the FlytrapStore
2nd - Two packets of Dionaea seeds from the FlytrapStore
3rd - One packet of Dionaea seeds from the FlytrapStore

All plant prizes will ship bare root (not potted and without soil).

To be clear, there are NOT three winners in the US, and three in the UK, and three in Australia and three in other countries. There are three winners total, and if you're one of the three, you can figure out what prize you'll get based on where you live and the prize lists above.

I want to say that I'm very thankful to Grey for being willing to donate some seriously awesome prizes to the contest.

If anyone has questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. I very much look forward to seeing some awesome photos of carnivorous plants!
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By Sakaaaaa
Posts:  1021
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roarke wrote:I don't understand question 2. If i bought a plant, how to know if it is older than 3 months ?
No, not the age, but jow long you already have it. For example, even though my drosera is more than 3 months old, I can't enter it because I only had it for 1/2 a month
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By Matt
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Sakaaaaa wrote:
roarke wrote:I don't understand question 2. If i bought a plant, how to know if it is older than 3 months ?
No, not the age, but jow long you already have it. For example, even though my drosera is more than 3 months old, I can't enter it because I only had it for 1/2 a month
This explanation is correct.
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By Wahter
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There's nothing mentioned in the rules about photo-retouching, so am I correct in that we can use some photo-retouching programs to do things such as remove/ clean up the backgrounds, adding multiple photos together (such as a collage), enhancing the color, etc...?
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By Matt
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Wahter wrote:There's nothing mentioned in the rules about photo-retouching, so am I correct in that we can use some photo-retouching programs to do things such as remove/ clean up the backgrounds, adding multiple photos together (such as a collage), enhancing the color, etc...?
Sure, why not :D That will allow for a bit more creativity, I think.
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By Matt
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Sakaaaaa wrote:Why isnt the photo posting thread open yet?
See below text from the first post in this thread:
Matt wrote:The carnivorous plant photo contest will open for on submissions Wednesday, June 22nd.
It's still Tuesday, June 21st here in the United States.
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By Matt
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hollyhock wrote:How does the voting process work?
Just created the voting thread here: ... 31912.html

It will be open for 10 days and you can vote for up to 3 photos. Once your votes are cast, they cannot be changed, so be sure of your votes :)

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