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By McCWells
Posts:  77
Joined:  Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:59 am
Hi! I am wanting to build an indoor terrarium to run a science experiment on 4 D. Spatulas. I would like to be able to control the temperature, humidity and have an artificial light source. I have no idea what materials I need, so I was wondering if y’all had any pointers. Thanks!
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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4751
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
If you don't have an unlimited budget, something like this can be done with a Raspberry PI or Arduino. Googling "Raspberry PI Terrarium" or "Arduino Terrarium" should get you lots of ideas to copy and paste.
Or you can dive into Python or C+ and write your own control code.
I like Sunwait for controlling lighting in a minimalist setup.
I started playing with Node-Red for a more comprehensive control scheme. (This one is a work in progress)
Either a PI or Arduino will need A BME 280 sensor (or something similar) and a relay board will measure conditions and control outputs.
Good luck.
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By andynorth
Posts:  1658
Joined:  Fri May 12, 2023 9:08 pm
How many users are actually in to electronics and CP's? @Shadowtski, Arduino and Pi's are nice but you left out the most powerful one, Parallax Propeller and Basic Stamp. Propeller has 8 Cores. If you are in to electronics and want to go that route you could try them.
However, I am thinking for simplicity a couple timers might work out just as well.
Last bumped by McCWells on Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:33 pm.

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