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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
If you haven't heard already, Diflora sells extremely sought-after plants and has been offering them to US customers and customers around the world for a while now, here's my second personal order from them:

Giant Clam
Green Wizard x Harlequin #3
Yellow / White
Sky Wiki
BAS #9
BAS #7

Order placed: Friday, March 24th
Order Shipped: Thursday, March 30th
Order SUPPOSED TO ARRIVE: Tuesday, April 4th

DHL sent the package back to Diflora because of incomplete forms - which was a mistake, they included the forms, Diflora sent the plants back out on Friday, April 8th. However, the package was delayed and was supposed to arrive the following Tuesday but it got here on Thursday. So the total time in transit: 2 weeks.

Diflora was very helpful during the delays and "returned to shipper" phase, and overall, the plants arrived in good health and LOTS of divisions.

Shipping Speed (NOT transit time) - 10/10: very fast processing times, faster than some U.S stores lol
Plant Size - 9/10: If the plants weren't that great of a size, the quantity of divisions made up for it!
Plant Quantity - 9/10: If there weren't that many divisions, the plants were HUGE.
Plant Health - 7.5/10: If I received them in less than a week, the plants would've had no time adjusting, but DHL decided that it wasn't the case. So not really their fault, it should be a 10/10

Overall score: 35.5/40
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By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
Good thing the plant were ok after all that time in the mail! I might need to do another Diflora order. Need to get myself a Giant Clam and Carboni Ardenti still.
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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
hollyhock wrote:I'm glad you received your order. Were you the person that posted on FB that customs messed up your package?
I don't believe i posted anything on Facebook about it, but I have been hearing the customs in Italy takes so long. It sure did for mine, it was stuck in one facility for 4 days.

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Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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