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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By Cheesy_sandwhich_45
Posts:  54
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Is this still usable? I poked holes in it but messed up on one of them.
IMG_20240403_203120_4.jpg (1.83 MiB) Viewed 1298 times
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By Intheswamp
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No problem!!! Go for it!!!!
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By Intheswamp
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To be honest, when I saw the subject title I thought the thread was going to be about a forum member...several to pick from!!!!! :lol:
steve booth liked this
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By wcrosman
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Cheesy_sandwhich_45 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:45 am Is this still usable? I poked holes in it but messed up on one of them.
I use a soldering iron and melt holes.
By Cheesy_sandwhich_45
Posts:  54
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I know but a screwdriver is all I have though and I just wanted to get it done today.
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By Intheswamp
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If you have some way to heat the tip of the screw driver up then you could use it to melt the holes. Just be careful and don't burn yourself or set something on fire. Better done outside. Don't inhale *any* of the smoke/fumes. But, it looks like you "got'er done!". :mrgreen: The split in the bottom is just another way for the grow mix to drain or gain water. :) Structurally it should be fine being as it won't be much weight in it and it's on the bottom where you won't see it. ;) The only think that *might* be a concern in an itty-bitty way is that if you were to drop the pot it might have a higher chance of busting wide open rather than containing the contents. Most drops are a calamity regardless of a split or no-split, do I know this?...don't ask. :( :o
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By Intheswamp
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Most likely that is enough drainage holes. One thing, though, are those three little ridges on the bottom of the pot. Those are so the pot will stand up off of the surface of water tray and allow water to freely flow beneath the pot. They do a pretty good job. I tend to be a bit "OCD-Me" at times and I'll usually drill 2-3 holes on the sides of the pot, just above its flat bottom. Where your photo shows the ribs of the wall of the pot is where I'd drill the holes in the side. It's just added insurance and you will probably be fine without them. Just thought I'd mention it in case one day you get a pot that doesn't have the ribs or other means of allowing water to flow beneath it. ;)
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By MikeB
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Last month, I bought a step drill bit (like this). It's great for creating and enlarging drain holes. I wish I'd gotten one years ago.
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By Intheswamp
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I've thought about getting those for years, for other purposes, but never did. I can see where it would be handy for pots! For now I've got a little cordless drill in the jeep and a 1/4" drill bit. I haven't been by HF in a while now...
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By MikeB
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Intheswamp wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:11 pm I haven't been by HF in a while now...
I checked the prices at local stores: half of them didn't have the bit in stock, and the other half wanted way too much money for them (probably why they had some on the shelf...). I bought mine off eBay instead.
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By andynorth
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MikeB wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:02 am Last month, I bought a step drill bit (like this). It's great for creating and enlarging drain holes. I wish I'd gotten one years ago.
Wow. Price has sure gone up for them. I bought the 3 piece set years ago for under $13.00.
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By Intheswamp
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Me and my gardening buddy was traveling the other day when I got a phone call from my 35+ year-old daughter. She was out of gas, sorta. She's a kindergarten teacher with currently two daughters in higher grades that ride with her. They were getting ready to head home but when they stopped at the ONE local gas station (rural school) the station was out of gas. Her onboard computer showed 7 miles to empty, she was afraid to try making it to the next town for gas. A schoolteacher and two daughters stranded on the side of the road....nah. So, she calls around locally but nobody is available to bring her some gas. As a last resort (due to difference in mileage) she gave me a call. It just so happened that me and my buddy were passing through the nearest town, we couldn't have been at a closer point to her on our trip and it was far shorter to her from where we were at than it was from my house. Cool! So, I find a Dollar General "Market", run in, and grab a 2-gallon gas can. I dash to the self-checkout like any superhero would and quickly scanned the can....$18.50 plus tax!!!!!! Sheesh!...and it was a crappy can, too!!!!! Highway robbery! So, I did what any cheap old fart would do. Anyhow, I hope my daughter made it home okay, I never did hear back from her except for one screaming message a few hours later. :mrgreen:
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