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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
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Anybody know how to thaw antifreeze? I got the 100% stuff in the garage and need to put some in my jeep. I need it in my jeep before I go check my hooks that I’ve got set out on Little Patsaliga today and then tonight we’re taking so new guys snipe huntin’. :D
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By evenwind
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You do know there's another, slightly more famous, "LA" out there, right? As in "What happens when the smog lifts over Los Angeles? UCLA!" It's all very confusing...
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By Intheswamp
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Trust me, there is only one real “LA” and it’s east of the Mississippi River!!!! ;) :lol:
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By Intheswamp
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Hey, I got brain-freeze! I like the “UCLA” bit!!! :mrgreen:
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By ChefDean
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You're a fellow old guy, you should already know this stuff. However, just in case...
Warm it up.
Take it inside and let it thaw, or put the jug in a bucket of hot water to speed it up.
Undiluted, 100% antifreeze can freeze at temps as warm as ~9°F depending on age, contamination, degradation, etc., but is typically around ~0°F. Mixing it with water creates a chemical reaction to actually lower the freeze point and raise the boiling point. A mix of 50/50 is standard, and will be fine down to about -35°F, giving the best ratio of depressed freeze point vs cooling ability. But a mix of 60/40 antifreeze/water can lower the freeze point to around -60°F, and 70/30 can go down to around -80°F. At those mixtures you lose cooling ability, but the low temps help compensate.
If the stuff in the jeep is already mixed, you should be good as long as it's full. Otherwise, I'd mix it prior to adding.
Do we need to send someone to confiscate your Certified Old Guy card? We don't want to put you in a home yet, but we will. Because you're making it sound as though you're in L.A. with all the mush-minded ID-10-T error people instead of down home, LA, country smart folks.
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By Intheswamp
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I was just looking for a short cut. I started out putting the jug in the clothes dryer but after about ten minutes my neighbor across the creek called wanting to know what the heck I was doing over here…something about scaring their chickens. Then my wife complained that she needed the dryer to dry her longhandles (she got’em wet last night wading a beaver pond while coon hunting). So, I took the jug out and put it in the microwave oven. It’s been in there about ten minutes…I set the timer to thirty minutes. If it needs more time I’ll just crank the microwave up again. Easy peasey. ;)
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By Intheswamp
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We've got a light freeze, 31F, predicted for Monday night/Tuesday morning....say whhhaaaatttttt??? Where'd that come from? Must be our "Easter Snap"!!! :|

Btw, Andy, bringing up "anti" makes me wonder what those people have against Julie Andrews and with running a long, long way. I mean, I couldn't run a long, long way at my age/health/mental-state/etc., but most of those kids seem healthy enough. It's kinda confusing. :ugeek: :?
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By ChefDean
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Same here for tonight. But, tomorrow morning, Mother Nature is going to leave the room, then come storming back in yelling "And another thing...", and give us a low of 26°F tomorrow night.
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By DragonsEye
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Considering that here we have snow on the ground right now I hope you aren’t really expecting much sympathy. LOL :mrgreen:
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By wcrosman
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Since about an hour from me got 61.5" of snow this week no sympathy from from this way either. :lol:

I had just over a foot.
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By Panman
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Yep, tonight we are supposed to get down to 31. That doesn't concern me as much as the 15-25 mph winds that we are expecting. Those can dry out a pot quick. I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to contrive something to let my plants shelter in place. That's a task for this evening.
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By camsdad66
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Where are you in Louisiana if you don't mind me asking? I'm in Opelousas, LA.

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