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By Aozora
Posts:  281
Joined:  Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:33 am
i had set up a mini bog a couple month ago, the plants were growing great until may came and the birds were looking for stuff for their nests. the mini bog i have is made up of peat/sphagnum/sand, so my gues is that they are after the sphagnum. the first time the birds came by they killed 3 sarracenia and 1 dionaea by pulling them out of the soil and throwing them in full sun bare rooted. so when i came home from work i was quite shocked as to what had happend, and had put all the soil back in the container. i tought that this might have been a one time only thing and that they must had enough moss for their nests, and even if they didnt there was still loads of moss around the container which i just didnt feel like picking up and placing it back (there was quite a lot). so the next day i came back from work and found out that they had been in the bog again, this time they uprooted 2 sarracenia but they didnt die, but they did not take any sphagnum at all, not even the sphagnum that was still on the ground.

so i took some of that cloth thats used for crops that let light/air/water through and placed it over my bog for a week, but as i dont intend to keep it over the bog forever because what would be the point of keeping something you cant even see? so i took it off after a week, and the next week after that it went all good without a single bird getting the urge to kill some more of my plants. but today it happend again, 2 sarracenia uprooted (still alive) and again nothing was taken. and as the birds no longer have any nests i have no idea why they are doing this, there are no bugs inside the soil, there are no nutrients in it, they just have anything to gain from destroying my plants, yet they keep doing it.

has anyone here ever experienced the same problem? if so how do i prevent those killer birds from even coming near my bog ever again?
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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
I've had birds and squirrels destroy plants by digging up Sphagnum and burying stuff.

I've resorted to covering my 6 x 4 x 2 grow rack with 1/2 inch mesh metal hardware cloth on all sides. It lets in light and bugs. It keeps out (so far) birds and squirrels.

Alternately, a 20 gauge over/under shotgun loaded with 2 3/4 inch shells with #8 pellets does an admirable job of eliminating varmints. :)

Unfortunately, many municipalities frown on discharging these in your back yard.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Good growing,
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By Abeginner
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I've had birds do this.. they've went and uprooted sarrs and vfts .. I began putting forks upright around my plants to keep them out..

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By Fishkeeper
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It's most likely illegal to kill the birds where you are. Plus, honestly? They aren't being malicious. Either they're looking for food or they're replacing the lining of their nests. Killing them for getting into something decorative seems a bit drastic.

Any sort of durable mesh draped over a framework should keep them out, or you can hang shiny things (old CDs, etc) on strings nearby so that they sway in the wind and reflect sunlight around. Birds can't get through mesh and don't like flashing lights.
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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
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Here's a shot of my bird/squirrel-resistant setup. (I won't say squirrelproof, nothing is absolutely squirrelproof!)

I picked up some restaurant steam-table stainless pans at a good price. They're about 10 x 20 x 2, close in size to a greenhouse flat. They make great growing trays and they'll last forever.

The shotgun comment was meant to be facetious, hence the smiley at the end of the comment. I won't shoot a living thing unless I plan to eat it, or it's threatening my life.

Good growing,
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By steve booth
Posts:  1240
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Try some CDs hung on sticks with fishing line, the spin and flashing in the sun puts them off,.....unless the wind drops.

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