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By Panman
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Has anyone ordered from Darwin's Atelier ( They have the heli hybrid I am looing for. It is listed as a large plant for $55. Thoughts?
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By NightRaider
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Never heard of them but just looked through their stock and now they have my attention. I don't have anything to offer here, but if you happen to order from them I'd be very interested to hear how it turns out.
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By Sundews69
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I've checked out their plants for sale but never ordered from them. Panman, if you do end up buying that heli, update us in how it's doing on your windowsill.
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By Panman
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I decided to go with Nancy Martens. A couple of endorsements from the folks here and I decide to go with her.
By Sundews69
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OMG she is great! When I went to her house, I saw both H. heterodoxa x minor she had for sale and they looked amazing!
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By Panman
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I'm getting the one she had left. Unfortunately, she also mentioned she had some sarrs she wanted to move so the self control went out the window and I got a Leah Wilerson and alta Night also.
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By Sundews69
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Oh yeah, my self control REALLY went out the window. Instead of the one plant I intended on getting, I got seven! If I may, how much was she selling those for? I thought H. heterodoxa x minor was a bigger hybrid. Maybe the division I got was still a young adult.
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By Lisam
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Does she have a link to FB?

Lisam from Rhode Island using Tapatalk

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By Nepenthes0260
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Darwin's Atelier is owned and run by Emmi Kurosawa. I've bought from Emmi several times and have always been very happy with the plants I've received. :)
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By Hang
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Panman wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:37 pm Has anyone ordered from Darwin's Atelier ( They have the heli hybrid I am looing for. It is listed as a large plant for $55. Thoughts?
I've only ordered VTF Big Tomato from them(Emmi Kurosawa), listed as large but i would call it medium instead.
Unless she's referring to the cross measurement from one trap to another instead of rhizome
Last edited by Hang on Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By NightRaider
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Off topic but a funny thing I've noticed the last year I've been following this community (and especially the FB groups) is just how many people you learn to recognize by name. Again I'd never once heard of the website, but mention Emmi and I instantly know who you're talking about. Similar thing with Nancy, and the other day when I got excited over a post where someone jokingly mentioned having S. alabamensis in TN until I saw the name and thought to myself "Oh, it's just Chef".
But back on topic, I'm at least glad to find a source of Genlisea and other Stylidium besides debile. Bank account may not be pretty soon though.
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By SFCP keeper
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I recently received an order of Aldrovanda and Genlisea from Darwin's Atelier. First, the communication was excellent. I received very prompt responses from Emmi (sometimes within the same hour) with very thorough answers to my questions. The order was sent out quickly and I received the plants within a couple of days (I live on the opposite coast of the U.S. from Darwin's Atelier). The plants were bigger than I expected and packed carefully with no damage. The Aldrovanda were much longer and larger than specimens I received in the past. And the prices were very good. I felt I received a very good value. Most importantly, the customer service was great. Again, the communication was excellent and Emmi provided very good information for the growing of the plants. I would highly recommend buying from Darwin's Atelier.

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