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Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.

Moderator: Matt

By ChelleB1005
Posts:  72
Joined:  Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:33 am
I have some seeds if the seed bank could use them from Utricularia bisquamata and subulata (seeds are mixed because they are growing together) and Drosera spatulata open pollinated
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9641
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Send them. I got your last utric blend and they sprouted gloriously.

Order received.
Your order number is 1413.
I'll PM you shortly with a mailing address for your SASE.
Thank you for your order.

Reminder to all:
Please remember to write your Forum username and order number somewhere on the envelope or in a note.
I don't have access to a cross reference of real-world names linked to usernames.
Remembering these things helps me fill orders quicker.
Thank you.

Happy growing,
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By ChelleB1005
Posts:  72
Joined:  Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:33 am
Glad they growing well! I have enough utric seeds for maybe 2 packs right now, was hoping for more but the storm blew most of the seeds away sadly, hopefully I'll have more to send soon :)
Also when sending seed do you prefer we separate seeds into multiple packs or send one pack of each type and let you separate them?
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9641
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Ideally, they'll be portioned out by the donor, ready to go to their new homes. However, sometimes people get an explosion of seeds, and it's much simpler to send one big pack. With less than 10 packs, I'd prefer they're already portioned.
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9641
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
This request is over two weeks old. If confirmation of the SASE being sent isn't made within the next couple of days, the request could be canceled and the seeds returned to inventory.
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